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Official Volleyball Box Score

Central Baptist (AR) at Cottey (MO)

10/27/2023 at 6:00 PM
@ Hink House
In Progress - 3rd 1 2 3 Score
Central Baptist (Ark.) 21 23 24 0
Cottey (MO) 25 25 26 3
Set: 1st  |  2nd  |  3rd
CENTRAL -- 1st -- COTTEY (
  CENTRAL starters: Madeline Freeman; Molly Murphy; Caitlyn Miller; Ahna Merrell; Kailee Walker; Faith Stone.  
  COTTEY ( starters: Tatum Marang; Magdalen Dougherty; Staley Stallaby; Michaela Wagner; Kyleigh Talbott; Katelyn Gray.  
[Molly Murphy] Attack error by Staley Stallaby. Point CENTRAL
[Molly Murphy] Kill by Katelyn Gray. Point COTTEY ( 1-1
[Tatum Marang] Kill by Madeline Freeman (from Faith Stone). Point CENTRAL
[Sheridan Rogers] Kill by Magdalen Dougherty (from Staley Stallaby). Point COTTEY ( 2-2
[Alli Jo Mitchell] Kill by Faith Stone (from Madeline Freeman). Point CENTRAL
[Faith Stone] Attack error by Madeline Freeman (block by Kyleigh Talbott). Point COTTEY ( 3-3
[Stella Cordrey] Attack error by Caitlyn Miller. Point COTTEY ( 3-4
[Stella Cordrey] Attack error by Madie Stephenson. Point COTTEY ( 3-5
[Stella Cordrey] Attack error by Madie Stephenson. Point COTTEY ( 3-6
[Stella Cordrey] Service ace (Sheridan Rogers). Point COTTEY ( 3-7
[Stella Cordrey] Attack error by Elena Adams. Point CENTRAL
[Madeline Freeman] Service ace (Magdalen Dougherty). Point CENTRAL
[Madeline Freeman] Attack error by Madie Stephenson. Point COTTEY ( 5-8
[Magdalen Dougherty] Attack error by Tatum Marang. Point CENTRAL
[Kailee Walker] Kill by Elena Adams (from 05). Point COTTEY ( 6-9
[Staley Stallaby] Attack error by Caitlyn Miller. Point COTTEY ( 6-10
[Staley Stallaby] Kill by Madeline Freeman (from Ahna Merrell). Point CENTRAL
[Mikayla Lawrence] Kill by Tatum Marang (from Staley Stallaby). Point COTTEY ( 7-11
[Michaela Wagner] Kill by Caroline Reams (from Madeline Freeman), block error by Tatum Marang. Point CENTRAL
[Molly Murphy] Kill by Faith Stone (from Molly Murphy), block error by Kyleigh Talbott. Point CENTRAL
[Molly Murphy] Kill by Kyleigh Talbott (from Staley Stallaby). Point COTTEY ( 9-12
[Tatum Marang] Attack error by Faith Stone. Point COTTEY ( 9-13
[Tatum Marang] Service ace (Kailee Walker). Point COTTEY ( 9-14
[Tatum Marang] Bad set by Faith Stone. Point COTTEY ( 9-15
[Tatum Marang] Kill by Faith Stone (from Molly Murphy). Point CENTRAL
[Sheridan Rogers] Attack error by Magdalen Dougherty. Point CENTRAL
[Sheridan Rogers] Attack error by Kyleigh Talbott (block by Faith Stone). Point CENTRAL
[Sheridan Rogers] Service error. Point COTTEY ( 12-16
[Alli Jo Mitchell] Attack error by Magdalen Dougherty (block by Madeline Freeman). Point CENTRAL
[Faith Stone] Attack error by Kyleigh Talbott. Point CENTRAL
[Faith Stone] Attack error by Kyleigh Talbott. Point CENTRAL
[Faith Stone] Service error. Point COTTEY ( 15-17
[Stella Cordrey] Attack error by Elena Adams. Point CENTRAL
[Madeline Freeman] Service error. Point COTTEY ( 16-18
[Magdalen Dougherty] Kill by Madie Stephenson (from Molly Murphy), block error by Kaylee Criswell. Point CENTRAL
[Kailee Walker] Kill by Kaylee Criswell. Point COTTEY ( 17-19
[Staley Stallaby] Kill by Katelyn Gray (from Staley Stallaby). Point COTTEY ( 17-20
[Staley Stallaby] Attack error by Ahna Merrell. Point COTTEY ( 17-21
[Staley Stallaby] Kill by Madeline Freeman (from Mikayla Lawrence). Point CENTRAL
[Mikayla Lawrence] Attack error by Caroline Reams. Point COTTEY ( 18-22
[Michaela Wagner] Kill by Faith Stone (from Mikayla Lawrence). Point CENTRAL
[Molly Murphy] Attack error by Braylen Ford. Point CENTRAL
[Molly Murphy] Service error. Point COTTEY ( 20-23
[Tatum Marang] Kill by Kyleigh Talbott. Point COTTEY ( 20-24
[Tatum Marang] Service error. Point CENTRAL
[Sheridan Rogers] Attack error by Madeline Freeman. Point COTTEY ( 21-25
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CENTRAL -- 2nd -- COTTEY (
[Staley Stallaby] Kill by Staley Stallaby (from Elena Adams). Point COTTEY ( 0-1
[Staley Stallaby] Kill by Ahna Merrell (from Molly Murphy). Point CENTRAL
[Molly Murphy] Attack error by Tatum Marang. Point CENTRAL
[Molly Murphy] Service error. Point COTTEY ( 2-2
[Michaela Wagner] Service error. Point CENTRAL
[Sheridan Rogers] Attack error by Braylen Ford. Point CENTRAL
[Sheridan Rogers] Attack error by Faith Stone. Point COTTEY ( 4-3
[Laurencia Botts] Attack error by Madeline Freeman (block by Kyleigh Talbott). Point COTTEY ( 4-4
[Laurencia Botts] Kill by Magdalen Dougherty (from Chloee DeWees), block error by Faith Stone. Point COTTEY ( 4-5
[Laurencia Botts] Service ace (Madie Stephenson). Point COTTEY ( 4-6
[Laurencia Botts] Attack error by Cassidy Phillips. Point CENTRAL
[Faith Stone] Service error. Point COTTEY ( 6-7
[Alli Jo Mitchell] Service error. Point CENTRAL
[Madeline Freeman] Service ace (Laurencia Botts). Point CENTRAL
[Madeline Freeman] Kill by Magdalen Dougherty (from Alli Jo Mitchell). Point COTTEY ( 8-8
[Stella Cordrey] Kill by Elena Adams (from Alli Jo Mitchell). Point COTTEY ( 8-9
[Stella Cordrey] Kill by Madie Stephenson (from Mikayla Lawrence). Point CENTRAL
[Kailee Walker] Attack error by Magdalen Dougherty. Point CENTRAL
[Kailee Walker] Kill by Kaylee Criswell (from Alli Jo Mitchell). Point COTTEY ( 10-10
[Magdalen Dougherty] Kill by Ahna Merrell (from Mikayla Lawrence), block error by Kaylee Criswell. Point CENTRAL
[Mikayla Lawrence] Attack error by Caroline Reams. Point COTTEY ( 11-11
[Staley Stallaby] Service ace (Kailee Walker). Point COTTEY ( 11-12
[Staley Stallaby] Attack error by Ahna Merrell. Point COTTEY ( 11-13
[Staley Stallaby] Kill by Tatum Marang (from Stella Cordrey). Point COTTEY ( 11-14
[Staley Stallaby] Attack error by Katelyn Gray. Point CENTRAL
[Molly Murphy] Kill by Katelyn Gray (from Staley Stallaby). Point COTTEY ( 12-15
[Chloee DeWees] Kill by Ahna Merrell (from Molly Murphy). Point CENTRAL
[Sheridan Rogers] Kill by Kyleigh Talbott. Point COTTEY ( 13-16
[Laurencia Botts] Service ace (Madie Stephenson). Point COTTEY ( 13-17
[Laurencia Botts] Kill by Magdalen Dougherty (from Staley Stallaby), block error by Madeline Freeman. Point COTTEY ( 13-18
[Laurencia Botts] Kill by Madeline Freeman (from Molly Murphy). Point CENTRAL
[Faith Stone] Service error. Point COTTEY ( 14-19
[Alli Jo Mitchell] Kill by Kyleigh Talbott (from Alli Jo Mitchell), block error by Caitlyn Miller. Point COTTEY ( 14-20
[Alli Jo Mitchell] Bad set by Caitlyn Miller. Point COTTEY ( 14-21
[Alli Jo Mitchell] Kill by Madeline Freeman (from Molly Murphy), block error by Magdalen Dougherty. Point CENTRAL
[Madeline Freeman] Kill by Kyleigh Talbott (from Alli Jo Mitchell). Point COTTEY ( 15-22
[Stella Cordrey] Kill by Madeline Freeman. Point CENTRAL
[Kailee Walker] Service ace (Stella Cordrey). Point CENTRAL
[Kailee Walker] Service ace (Stella Cordrey). Point CENTRAL
[Kailee Walker] Service ace (Magdalen Dougherty). Point CENTRAL
[Kailee Walker] Kill by Caroline Reams (from Mikayla Lawrence). Point CENTRAL
[Kailee Walker] Kill by Lily Brister, block error by Staley Stallaby. Point CENTRAL
[Kailee Walker] Kill by Magdalen Dougherty (from Alli Jo Mitchell). Point COTTEY ( 21-23
[Magdalen Dougherty] Service ace (Kailee Walker). Point COTTEY ( 21-24
[Magdalen Dougherty] Kill by Caitlyn Miller (from Mikayla Lawrence). Point CENTRAL
[Mikayla Lawrence] Service ace (Magdalen Dougherty). Point CENTRAL
[Mikayla Lawrence] Service error. Point COTTEY ( 23-25
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CENTRAL -- 3rd -- COTTEY (
[Brooke Schmitz] Service ace (Chloee DeWees). Point CENTRAL
[Brooke Schmitz] Attack error by Kyleigh Talbott. Point CENTRAL
[Brooke Schmitz] Kill by Madie Stephenson (from Mikayla Lawrence). Point CENTRAL
[Brooke Schmitz] Service error. Point COTTEY ( 3-1
[Laurencia Botts] Kill by Madie Stephenson (from Faith Stone). Point CENTRAL
[Sheridan Rogers] Attack error by Lily Brister. Point COTTEY ( 4-2
[Alli Jo Mitchell] Service ace (Mikayla Lawrence). Point COTTEY ( 4-3
[Alli Jo Mitchell] Attack error by Elena Adams. Point CENTRAL
[Faith Stone] Kill by Magdalen Dougherty (from Alli Jo Mitchell). Point COTTEY ( 5-4
[Stella Cordrey] Attack error by Madeline Freeman (block by Kaylee Criswell). Point COTTEY ( 5-5
[Stella Cordrey] Kill by Caitlyn Miller (from Mikayla Lawrence). Point CENTRAL
[Madeline Freeman] Kill by Elena Adams (from Alli Jo Mitchell), block error by Caitlyn Miller. Point COTTEY ( 6-6
[Magdalen Dougherty] Kill by Alli Jo Mitchell (from Stella Cordrey). Point COTTEY ( 6-7
[Magdalen Dougherty] Attack error by Caitlyn Miller. Point COTTEY ( 6-8
[Magdalen Dougherty] Kill by Kaylee Criswell (from Alli Jo Mitchell). Point COTTEY ( 6-9
[Magdalen Dougherty] Attack error by Caitlyn Miller. Point COTTEY ( 6-10
[Magdalen Dougherty] Service error. Point CENTRAL
[Kailee Walker] Service ace (Elena Adams). Point CENTRAL
[Kailee Walker] Attack error by 8 (block by Kaylee Criswell). Point COTTEY ( 8-11
[Staley Stallaby] Attack error by Cassidy Phillips. Point CENTRAL
[Mikayla Lawrence] Attack error by Cassidy Phillips (block by Madie Stephenson; Faith Stone). Point CENTRAL
[Mikayla Lawrence] Attack error by Madie Stephenson. Point COTTEY ( 10-12
[Michaela Wagner] Kill by Kyleigh Talbott (from Staley Stallaby). Point COTTEY ( 10-13
[Michaela Wagner] Attack error by Faith Stone (block by Katelyn Gray). Point COTTEY ( 10-14
[Michaela Wagner] Service error. Point CENTRAL
[Brooke Schmitz] Kill by Madeline Freeman (from Mikayla Lawrence). Point CENTRAL
[Brooke Schmitz] Kill by Katelyn Gray (from Staley Stallaby). Point COTTEY ( 12-15
[Laurencia Botts] Attack error by Katelyn Gray. Point CENTRAL
[Sheridan Rogers] Kill by Ahna Merrell (from Brooke Schmitz). Point CENTRAL
[Sheridan Rogers] Service error. Point COTTEY ( 14-16
[Alli Jo Mitchell] Attack error by Laurencia Botts. Point CENTRAL
[Faith Stone] Kill by Caitlyn Miller (from Brooke Schmitz). Point CENTRAL
[Faith Stone] Service ace (Chloee DeWees). Point CENTRAL
[Faith Stone] Attack error by Ahna Merrell. Point COTTEY ( 17-17
[Stella Cordrey] Attack error by Madeline Freeman. Point COTTEY ( 17-18
[Stella Cordrey] Attack error by Ahna Merrell. Point COTTEY ( 17-19
[Stella Cordrey] Service error. Point CENTRAL
[Madeline Freeman] Kill by Ahna Merrell (from Brooke Schmitz), block error by Elena Adams. Point CENTRAL
[Madeline Freeman] Kill by Elena Adams. Point COTTEY ( 19-20
[Magdalen Dougherty] Attack error by Tatum Marang. Point CENTRAL
[Kailee Walker] Kill by Madie Stephenson (from Brooke Schmitz). Point CENTRAL
[Kailee Walker] Attack error by Madie Stephenson. Point COTTEY ( 21-21
[Staley Stallaby] Kill by Madie Stephenson (from Brooke Schmitz). Point CENTRAL
[Mikayla Lawrence] Attack error by Cassidy Phillips (block by Caroline Reams; Faith Stone). Point CENTRAL
[Mikayla Lawrence] Kill by Caroline Reams (from Mikayla Lawrence), block error by Kaylee Criswell. Point CENTRAL
[Mikayla Lawrence] Kill by Kaylee Criswell (from Staley Stallaby). Point COTTEY ( 24-22
[Michaela Wagner] Kill by Katelyn Gray (from Staley Stallaby). Point COTTEY ( 24-23
[Michaela Wagner] Attack error by Faith Stone. Point COTTEY ( 24-24
[Michaela Wagner] Attack error by Faith Stone. Point COTTEY ( 24-25
[Michaela Wagner] Kill by Katelyn Gray (from Staley Stallaby). Point COTTEY ( 24-26
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