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Official Volleyball Box Score

wittenberg universit at Cornerstone

3/25/2022 at 6:00 PM
@ Grand Rapids, Mich. (Mol Arena)
Final 1 2 3 4 Score
wittenberg university (11-13) 19 25 19 22 1
Cornerstone (11-20) 25 22 25 25 3
Set: 1st  |  2nd  |  3rd  |  4th
  WITTENBE starters: Aaron Miller; Russ Burke; Aaron Giorgi; Kurt Klamfoth; Luke Teters; Dominic Melchiorre.  
  CORNERST starters: Hubert Sliwinski; Patrick Voloch; Jacob Brinks; Alex Hekman; Max Hernandez; Joshua Beaumont.  
  WITTENBE subs: Ethan Archer.  
  CORNERST subs: Kairu Tuma'e.  
[Alex Hekman] Kill by Jacob Brinks (from Patrick Voloch), block error by Dominic Melchiorre. Point CORNERST 0-1
[David Galanes] Attack error by Kurt Klamfoth (block by Jacob Brinks; Joshua Beaumont). Point CORNERST 0-2
[David Galanes] Attack error by Russ Burke (block by Max Hernandez; Joshua Beaumont). Point CORNERST 0-3
1-3 [David Galanes] Service error. Point WITTENBE
2-3 [Kurt Klamfoth] Kill by Dominic Melchiorre. Point WITTENBE
3-3 [Kurt Klamfoth] Attack error by Jacob Brinks (block by Luke Teters; Dominic Melchiorre). Point WITTENBE
[Kurt Klamfoth] Attack error by Luke Teters. Point CORNERST 3-4
[Kairu Tuma'e] Attack error by Dominic Melchiorre. Point CORNERST 3-5
[Kairu Tuma'e] Attack error by Russ Burke (block by Hubert Sliwinski; Max Hernandez). Point CORNERST 3-6
4-6 [Kairu Tuma'e] Service error. Point WITTENBE
[Dominic Melchiorre] Service error. Point CORNERST 4-7
[Max Hernandez] Attack error by Dominic Melchiorre. Point CORNERST 4-8
[Max Hernandez] Attack error by Dominic Melchiorre. Point CORNERST 4-9
5-9 [Max Hernandez] Service error. Point WITTENBE
  WITTENBE subs: Jack Boone.  
6-9 [Russ Burke] Attack error by Max Hernandez. Point WITTENBE
[Russ Burke] Kill by Hubert Sliwinski (from Patrick Voloch). Point CORNERST 6-10
7-10 [Jacob Brinks] Attack error by David Galanes. Point WITTENBE
[Luke Teters] Service error. Point CORNERST 7-11
8-11 [Hubert Sliwinski] Kill by Jack Boone (from Aaron Giorgi). Point WITTENBE
[Aaron Giorgi] Kill by David Galanes (from Patrick Voloch). Point CORNERST 8-12
[Patrick Voloch] Attack error by Jack Boone. Point CORNERST 8-13
9-13 [Patrick Voloch] Service error. Point WITTENBE
10-13 [Jack Boone] Attack error by David Galanes. Point WITTENBE
11-13 [Jack Boone] Attack error by Max Hernandez. Point WITTENBE
[Jack Boone] Kill by David Galanes (from Patrick Voloch). Point CORNERST 11-14
  WITTENBE subs: Aaron Miller.  
12-14 [David Galanes] Service error. Point WITTENBE
[Kurt Klamfoth] Kill by Max Hernandez (from Patrick Voloch). Point CORNERST 12-15
13-15 [Kairu Tuma'e] Attack error by Max Hernandez. Point WITTENBE
[Dominic Melchiorre] Service error. Point CORNERST 13-16
[Max Hernandez] Kill by David Galanes (from Patrick Voloch). Point CORNERST 13-17
[Max Hernandez] Kill by David Galanes (from Patrick Voloch). Point CORNERST 13-18
[Max Hernandez] Attack error by Luke Teters (block by Jacob Brinks). Point CORNERST 13-19
  Timeout wittenberg universit.  
14-19 [Max Hernandez] Kill by Luke Teters (from Aaron Giorgi). Point WITTENBE
  WITTENBE subs: Jack Boone.  
[Russ Burke] Kill by Hubert Sliwinski (from Patrick Voloch). Point CORNERST 14-20
15-20 [Jacob Brinks] Kill by Jack Boone (from Aaron Giorgi). Point WITTENBE
[Luke Teters] Kill by Hubert Sliwinski (from Patrick Voloch). Point CORNERST 15-21
[Hubert Sliwinski] Attack error by Kurt Klamfoth (block by Patrick Voloch; Joshua Beaumont). Point CORNERST 15-22
  Timeout wittenberg universit.  
16-22 [Hubert Sliwinski] Kill by Jack Boone (from Aaron Giorgi). Point WITTENBE
[Aaron Giorgi] Kill by David Galanes (from Patrick Voloch). Point CORNERST 16-23
17-23 [Patrick Voloch] Kill by Jack Boone (from Aaron Giorgi). Point WITTENBE
[Jack Boone] Service error. Point CORNERST 17-24
  CORNERST subs: Britt Parkinson.  
  WITTENBE subs: Aaron Miller.  
18-24 [Britt Parkinson] Kill by Russ Burke (from Aaron Giorgi). Point WITTENBE
  CORNERST subs: David Galanes.  
19-24 [Kurt Klamfoth] Attack error by Max Hernandez. Point WITTENBE
[Kurt Klamfoth] Attack error by Russ Burke. Point CORNERST 19-25
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  On court for CORNERST: Hubert Sliwinski; Patrick Voloch; David Galanes; Jacob Brinks; Max Hernandez; Joshua Beaumont.  
  On court for WITTENBE: Russ Burke; Aaron Giorgi; Kurt Klamfoth; Jack Boone; Luke Teters; Dominic Melchiorre.  
  WITTENBE subs: Ethan Archer.  
  CORNERST subs: Kairu Tuma'e.  
[Aaron Giorgi] Kill by David Galanes (from Patrick Voloch). Point CORNERST 0-1
  CORNERST subs: David Rodriguez.  
[Patrick Voloch] Kill by Jacob Brinks (from Patrick Voloch). Point CORNERST 0-2
[Patrick Voloch] Attack error by Kurt Klamfoth. Point CORNERST 0-3
1-3 [Patrick Voloch] Service error. Point WITTENBE
[Jack Boone] Bad set by Jack Boone. Point CORNERST 1-4
  CORNERST subs: Britt Parkinson.  
  WITTENBE subs: Aaron Miller.  
[Britt Parkinson] Service ace (Aaron Miller). Point CORNERST 1-5
  Timeout wittenberg universit.  
[Britt Parkinson] Service ace (Ethan Archer). Point CORNERST 1-6
2-6 [Britt Parkinson] Kill by Dominic Melchiorre (from Aaron Giorgi). Point WITTENBE
  CORNERST subs: David Galanes.  
3-6 [Kurt Klamfoth] Kill by Dominic Melchiorre (from Aaron Giorgi). Point WITTENBE
[Kurt Klamfoth] Attack error by Dominic Melchiorre. Point CORNERST 3-7
4-7 [Kairu Tuma'e] Service error. Point WITTENBE
5-7 [Dominic Melchiorre] Attack error by Jacob Brinks. Point WITTENBE
[Dominic Melchiorre] Kill by Hubert Sliwinski (from Patrick Voloch). Point CORNERST 5-8
[David Rodriguez] Kill by David Galanes (from Patrick Voloch). Point CORNERST 5-9
6-9 [David Rodriguez] Service error. Point WITTENBE
  CORNERST subs: Max Hernandez.  
  WITTENBE subs: Jack Boone.  
[Russ Burke] Kill by Jacob Brinks (from Patrick Voloch). Point CORNERST 6-10
7-10 [Jacob Brinks] Kill by Jack Boone (from Aaron Giorgi). Point WITTENBE
8-10 [Luke Teters] Attack error by David Galanes. Point WITTENBE
9-10 [Luke Teters] Kill by Dominic Melchiorre (from Aaron Giorgi). Point WITTENBE
10-10 [Luke Teters] Kill by Dominic Melchiorre (from Aaron Giorgi). Point WITTENBE
[Luke Teters] Kill by David Galanes (from Patrick Voloch). Point CORNERST 10-11
11-11 [Hubert Sliwinski] Kill by Jack Boone (from Aaron Giorgi). Point WITTENBE
[Aaron Giorgi] Service error. Point CORNERST 11-12
  CORNERST subs: David Rodriguez.  
[Patrick Voloch] Kill by David Galanes (from Patrick Voloch). Point CORNERST 11-13
12-13 [Patrick Voloch] Service error. Point WITTENBE
[Jack Boone] Kill by Joshua Beaumont (from Patrick Voloch). Point CORNERST 12-14
  CORNERST subs: Britt Parkinson.  
  WITTENBE subs: Aaron Miller.  
13-14 [Britt Parkinson] Service error. Point WITTENBE
  CORNERST subs: David Galanes.  
14-14 [Kurt Klamfoth] Service ace (Kairu Tuma'e). Point WITTENBE
15-14 [Kurt Klamfoth] Attack error by Joshua Beaumont. Point WITTENBE
16-14 [Kurt Klamfoth] Bad set by Kairu Tuma'e. Point WITTENBE
  Timeout Cornerstone.  
17-14 [Kurt Klamfoth] Attack error by David Rodriguez. Point WITTENBE
[Kurt Klamfoth] Kill by David Galanes (from Patrick Voloch). Point CORNERST 17-15
  CORNERST subs: Jorge Rios McNutt.  
[Jorge Rios McNutt] Kill by Jacob Brinks. Point CORNERST 17-16
18-16 [Jorge Rios McNutt] Kill by Dominic Melchiorre (from Ethan Archer). Point WITTENBE
  CORNERST subs: Joshua Beaumont.  
[Dominic Melchiorre] Kill by Hubert Sliwinski (from Patrick Voloch). Point CORNERST 18-17
19-17 [David Rodriguez] Kill by Luke Teters (from Aaron Giorgi). Point WITTENBE
  CORNERST subs: Max Hernandez.  
  WITTENBE subs: Jack Boone.  
[Russ Burke] Kill by Hubert Sliwinski (from Patrick Voloch). Point CORNERST 19-18
20-18 [Jacob Brinks] Attack error by David Galanes. Point WITTENBE
21-18 [Luke Teters] Kill by Dominic Melchiorre (from Aaron Giorgi). Point WITTENBE
[Luke Teters] Kill by David Galanes (from Patrick Voloch). Point CORNERST 21-19
22-19 [Hubert Sliwinski] Attack error by David Galanes. Point WITTENBE
[Aaron Giorgi] Kill by David Galanes (from Patrick Voloch). Point CORNERST 22-20
  CORNERST subs: David Rodriguez.  
23-20 [Patrick Voloch] Kill by Dominic Melchiorre (from Aaron Giorgi). Point WITTENBE
  Timeout Cornerstone.  
24-20 [Jack Boone] Attack error by David Galanes. Point WITTENBE
[Jack Boone] Service error. Point CORNERST 24-21
  WITTENBE subs: Aaron Miller.  
  CORNERST subs: Britt Parkinson.  
[Britt Parkinson] Attack error by Kurt Klamfoth (block by Joshua Beaumont). Point CORNERST 24-22
  Timeout wittenberg universit.  
25-22 [Britt Parkinson] Kill by Dominic Melchiorre (from Aaron Giorgi). Point WITTENBE
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  On court for WITTENBE: Aaron Miller; Russ Burke; Aaron Giorgi; Kurt Klamfoth; Luke Teters; Dominic Melchiorre.  
  WITTENBE subs: Ethan Archer.  
  On court for CORNERST: Hubert Sliwinski; Patrick Voloch; David Galanes; Jacob Brinks; Max Hernandez; Joshua Beaumont.  
  CORNERST subs: Britt Parkinson.  
1-0 [Patrick Voloch] Kill by Kurt Klamfoth (from Aaron Giorgi). Point WITTENBE
[Kurt Klamfoth] Service error. Point CORNERST 1-1
2-1 [David Galanes] Kill by Dominic Melchiorre (from Aaron Giorgi). Point WITTENBE
[Dominic Melchiorre] Kill by Max Hernandez (from Patrick Voloch), block error by Russ Burke. Point CORNERST 2-2
3-2 [Britt Parkinson] Kill by Dominic Melchiorre (from Aaron Miller). Point WITTENBE
  WITTENBE subs: Jack Boone.  
[Russ Burke] Service error. Point CORNERST 3-3
[Max Hernandez] Service ace (Ethan Archer). Point CORNERST 3-4
4-4 [Max Hernandez] Kill by Jack Boone (from Aaron Giorgi). Point WITTENBE
[Luke Teters] Kill by Hubert Sliwinski (from Patrick Voloch). Point CORNERST 4-5
[Jacob Brinks] Attack error by Aaron Giorgi. Point CORNERST 4-6
5-6 [Jacob Brinks] Attack error by Patrick Voloch. Point WITTENBE
[Aaron Giorgi] Kill by David Galanes (from Patrick Voloch). Point CORNERST 5-7
6-7 [Hubert Sliwinski] Kill by Jack Boone (from Aaron Giorgi). Point WITTENBE
[Jack Boone] Kill by Joshua Beaumont (from Patrick Voloch). Point CORNERST 6-8
  WITTENBE subs: Aaron Miller.  
[Patrick Voloch] Kill by Max Hernandez (from Patrick Voloch). Point CORNERST 6-9
[Patrick Voloch] Attack error by Dominic Melchiorre (block by David Galanes; Joshua Beaumont). Point CORNERST 6-10
  Timeout wittenberg universit.  
[Patrick Voloch] Attack error by Dominic Melchiorre. Point CORNERST 6-11
7-11 [Patrick Voloch] Kill by Dominic Melchiorre (from Aaron Giorgi). Point WITTENBE
[Kurt Klamfoth] Kill by Joshua Beaumont (from Patrick Voloch). Point CORNERST 7-12
8-12 [David Galanes] Service error. Point WITTENBE
9-12 [Dominic Melchiorre] Attack error by David Galanes. Point WITTENBE
  WITTENBE subs: Jack Boone.  
  WITTENBE subs: Aaron Miller.  
[Dominic Melchiorre] Kill by Max Hernandez (from David Galanes). Point CORNERST 9-13
10-13 [Britt Parkinson] Service error. Point WITTENBE
  WITTENBE subs: Jack Boone.  
[Russ Burke] Kill by Max Hernandez (from Patrick Voloch). Point CORNERST 10-14
11-14 [Max Hernandez] Kill by Jack Boone (from Aaron Giorgi). Point WITTENBE
[Luke Teters] Kill by Hubert Sliwinski. Point CORNERST 11-15
[Jacob Brinks] Kill by David Galanes (from Patrick Voloch). Point CORNERST 11-16
[Jacob Brinks] Kill by Patrick Voloch, block error by Kurt Klamfoth. Point CORNERST 11-17
  Timeout wittenberg universit.  
12-17 [Jacob Brinks] Service error. Point WITTENBE
[Aaron Giorgi] Service error. Point CORNERST 12-18
13-18 [Hubert Sliwinski] Kill by Jack Boone (from Aaron Giorgi). Point WITTENBE
[Jack Boone] Kill by David Galanes (from Patrick Voloch). Point CORNERST 13-19
  WITTENBE subs: Aaron Miller.  
[Patrick Voloch] Attack error by Dominic Melchiorre (block by David Galanes; Joshua Beaumont). Point CORNERST 13-20
14-20 [Patrick Voloch] Kill by Dominic Melchiorre (from Aaron Giorgi). Point WITTENBE
[Kurt Klamfoth] Kill by Joshua Beaumont (from Patrick Voloch). Point CORNERST 14-21
15-21 [David Galanes] Kill by Dominic Melchiorre (from Aaron Giorgi). Point WITTENBE
[Dominic Melchiorre] Service error. Point CORNERST 15-22
16-22 [Britt Parkinson] Attack error by Hubert Sliwinski. Point WITTENBE
  WITTENBE subs: Jack Boone.  
17-22 [Russ Burke] Attack error by Max Hernandez (block by Jack Boone; Luke Teters). Point WITTENBE
[Russ Burke] Kill by Hubert Sliwinski (from Patrick Voloch). Point CORNERST 17-23
[Max Hernandez] Attack error by Luke Teters (block by Hubert Sliwinski; Jacob Brinks). Point CORNERST 17-24
18-24 [Max Hernandez] Kill by Jack Boone (from Aaron Giorgi). Point WITTENBE
19-24 [Luke Teters] Attack error by Jacob Brinks. Point WITTENBE
[Luke Teters] Attack error by Aaron Giorgi (block by Hubert Sliwinski; Jacob Brinks). Point CORNERST 19-25
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  On court for WITTENBE: Russ Burke; Aaron Giorgi; Kurt Klamfoth; Jack Boone; Luke Teters; Dominic Melchiorre.  
  On court for CORNERST: Hubert Sliwinski; Patrick Voloch; David Galanes; Jacob Brinks; Max Hernandez; Joshua Beaumont.  
  WITTENBE subs: Ethan Archer.  
  CORNERST subs: Britt Parkinson.  
1-0 [Aaron Giorgi] Service ace (Jacob Brinks). Point WITTENBE
[Aaron Giorgi] Kill by Joshua Beaumont (from Patrick Voloch). Point CORNERST 1-1
2-1 [Patrick Voloch] Kill by Dominic Melchiorre (from Aaron Giorgi). Point WITTENBE
[Jack Boone] Service error. Point CORNERST 2-2
  WITTENBE subs: Aaron Miller.  
3-2 [David Galanes] Service error. Point WITTENBE
[Kurt Klamfoth] Attack error by Russ Burke (block by Max Hernandez; Joshua Beaumont). Point CORNERST 3-3
4-3 [Britt Parkinson] Service error. Point WITTENBE
[Dominic Melchiorre] Kill by Max Hernandez (from Patrick Voloch). Point CORNERST 4-4
[Max Hernandez] Kill by Hubert Sliwinski (from Patrick Voloch). Point CORNERST 4-5
5-5 [Max Hernandez] Kill by Dominic Melchiorre (from Aaron Giorgi). Point WITTENBE
  WITTENBE subs: Jack Boone.  
[Russ Burke] Kill by Hubert Sliwinski (from Patrick Voloch). Point CORNERST 5-6
6-6 [Jacob Brinks] Kill by Luke Teters (from Aaron Giorgi). Point WITTENBE
[Luke Teters] Kill by Hubert Sliwinski (from Patrick Voloch). Point CORNERST 6-7
7-7 [Hubert Sliwinski] Kill by Jack Boone (from Aaron Giorgi). Point WITTENBE
8-7 [Aaron Giorgi] Kill by Aaron Giorgi. Point WITTENBE
9-7 [Aaron Giorgi] Kill by Dominic Melchiorre (from Russ Burke). Point WITTENBE
10-7 [Aaron Giorgi] Service ace (Max Hernandez). Point WITTENBE
[Aaron Giorgi] Kill by David Galanes (from Patrick Voloch). Point CORNERST 10-8
[Patrick Voloch] Service ace (Dominic Melchiorre). Point CORNERST 10-9
11-9 [Patrick Voloch] Kill by Dominic Melchiorre (from Aaron Giorgi). Point WITTENBE
12-9 [Jack Boone] Service ace (Jacob Brinks). Point WITTENBE
[Jack Boone] Service error. Point CORNERST 12-10
  WITTENBE subs: Aaron Miller.  
[David Galanes] Attack error by Dominic Melchiorre. Point CORNERST 12-11
[David Galanes] Attack error by Dominic Melchiorre (block by Jacob Brinks; Joshua Beaumont). Point CORNERST 12-12
[David Galanes] Attack error by Kurt Klamfoth. Point CORNERST 12-13
  Timeout wittenberg universit.  
13-13 [David Galanes] Service error. Point WITTENBE
[Kurt Klamfoth] Kill by Max Hernandez (from Patrick Voloch). Point CORNERST 13-14
14-14 [Britt Parkinson] Attack error by Jacob Brinks (block by Luke Teters; Dominic Melchiorre). Point WITTENBE
[Dominic Melchiorre] Kill by Hubert Sliwinski (from Patrick Voloch). Point CORNERST 14-15
[Max Hernandez] Service ace (Dominic Melchiorre). Point CORNERST 14-16
15-16 [Max Hernandez] Service error. Point WITTENBE
  WITTENBE subs: Jack Boone.  
16-16 [Russ Burke] Attack error by Hubert Sliwinski. Point WITTENBE
[Russ Burke] Service error. Point CORNERST 16-17
[Jacob Brinks] Attack error by Jack Boone (block by Hubert Sliwinski; Patrick Voloch). Point CORNERST 16-18
17-18 [Jacob Brinks] Kill by Jack Boone (from Aaron Giorgi). Point WITTENBE
18-18 [Luke Teters] Attack error by David Galanes. Point WITTENBE
[Luke Teters] Kill by Hubert Sliwinski (from Patrick Voloch). Point CORNERST 18-19
[Hubert Sliwinski] Kill by Joshua Beaumont. Point CORNERST 18-20
19-20 [Hubert Sliwinski] Kill by Aaron Giorgi (from Russ Burke). Point WITTENBE
20-20 [Aaron Giorgi] Kill by Dominic Melchiorre (from Ethan Archer). Point WITTENBE
[Aaron Giorgi] Attack error by Dominic Melchiorre. Point CORNERST 20-21
21-21 [Patrick Voloch] Kill by Dominic Melchiorre. Point WITTENBE
[Jack Boone] Service error. Point CORNERST 21-22
  WITTENBE subs: Aaron Miller.  
[David Galanes] Service ace (Russ Burke). Point CORNERST 21-23
  Timeout wittenberg universit.  
[David Galanes] Kill by Joshua Beaumont (from Patrick Voloch). Point CORNERST 21-24
22-24 [David Galanes] Service error. Point WITTENBE
[Kurt Klamfoth] Kill by Jacob Brinks (from Patrick Voloch). Point CORNERST 22-25
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