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Official Volleyball Box Score

William Penn at Clarke

3/2/2022 at 7:00 PM
@ Kehl Center
14-2, 12-1
5-14, 1-9
Final 1 2 3 4 5 Score
William Penn (Iowa) (14-2, 12-1) 25 19 25 22 15 3
Clarke (5-14, 1-9) 19 25 20 25 13 2
Set: 1st  |  2nd  |  3rd  |  4th  |  5th
  WILLIAM starters: Charlie Figy; Ike Papes; CJ Rettig; Connor Muff; Landon Krause; Eli Herro.  
  CLARKE starters: Erik Schmidt; Tye Ojala; Montez Thompson; Stephen Lewandowski; Zachary Barr; Michael Jenkins.  
[Erik Schmidt] Kill by Ike Papes (from Connor Muff). Point WILLIAM
  WILLIAM subs: Carlos Garcia.  
  CLARKE subs: Nick Palatine.  
[Connor Muff] Service error. Point CLARKE 1-1
[Michael Jenkins] Kill by Landon Krause (from Connor Muff). Point WILLIAM
[Ike Papes] Service error. Point CLARKE 2-2
[Nick Palatine] Kill by Eli Herro (from Connor Muff). Point WILLIAM
[Carlos Garcia] Kill by Montez Thompson (from Erik Schmidt). Point CLARKE 3-3
  CLARKE subs: Timothy Meyer.  
[Timothy Meyer] Kill by Landon Krause (from Connor Muff). Point WILLIAM
[Landon Krause] Service error. Point CLARKE 4-4
[Tye Ojala] Kill by CJ Rettig (from Connor Muff). Point WILLIAM
  WILLIAM subs: Luke Scheuble.  
[Luke Scheuble] Attack error by Michael Jenkins. Point WILLIAM
[Luke Scheuble] Kill by Zachary Barr (from Erik Schmidt). Point CLARKE 6-5
[Zachary Barr] Kill by Ike Papes (from Connor Muff). Point WILLIAM
[Charlie Figy] Kill by Stephen Lewandowski (from Erik Schmidt). Point CLARKE 7-6
[Erik Schmidt] Kill by Ike Papes (from Connor Muff). Point WILLIAM
[Connor Muff] Kill by Landon Krause (from Carlos Garcia). Point WILLIAM
[Connor Muff] Service ace (Michael Jenkins). Point WILLIAM
[Connor Muff] Kill by Ike Papes (from Eli Herro). Point WILLIAM
[Connor Muff] Service error. Point CLARKE 11-7
[Michael Jenkins] Attack error by Landon Krause. Point CLARKE 11-8
[Michael Jenkins] Kill by Ike Papes (from Carlos Garcia). Point WILLIAM
[Ike Papes] Attack error by Tye Ojala (block by Eli Herro). Point WILLIAM
[Ike Papes] Service error. Point CLARKE 13-9
[Nick Palatine] Kill by Landon Krause (from Connor Muff). Point WILLIAM
[Carlos Garcia] Bad set by Ike Papes. Point CLARKE 14-10
[Timothy Meyer] Service ace (Carlos Garcia). Point CLARKE 14-11
[Timothy Meyer] Attack error by Charlie Figy. Point CLARKE 14-12
[Timothy Meyer] Kill by Ike Papes (from Connor Muff). Point WILLIAM
[Landon Krause] Service error. Point CLARKE 15-13
[Tye Ojala] Service error. Point WILLIAM
[Luke Scheuble] Attack error by Ike Papes (block by Erik Schmidt; Zachary Barr). Point CLARKE 16-14
[Zachary Barr] Kill by Ike Papes (from Connor Muff). Point WILLIAM
[Charlie Figy] Kill by Ike Papes (from Connor Muff). Point WILLIAM
[Charlie Figy] Kill by Ike Papes (from Connor Muff). Point WILLIAM
[Charlie Figy] Kill by Ike Papes (from Landon Krause). Point WILLIAM
  Timeout Clarke.  
[Charlie Figy] Kill by Eli Herro. Point WILLIAM
[Charlie Figy] Attack error by Ike Papes (block by Erik Schmidt; Stephen Lewandowski). Point CLARKE 21-15
[Erik Schmidt] Attack error by Ike Papes (block by Montez Thompson; Stephen Lewandowski). Point CLARKE 21-16
[Erik Schmidt] Kill by Ike Papes (from Connor Muff). Point WILLIAM
[Connor Muff] Service error. Point CLARKE 22-17
[Michael Jenkins] Bad set by Erik Schmidt. Point WILLIAM
[Ike Papes] Service error. Point CLARKE 23-18
[Nick Palatine] Kill by Eli Herro (from Connor Muff). Point WILLIAM
[Carlos Garcia] Kill by Michael Jenkins (from Erik Schmidt). Point CLARKE 24-19
[Timothy Meyer] Kill by Charlie Figy (from Connor Muff). Point WILLIAM
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  On court for WILLIAM : Charlie Figy; Ike Papes; CJ Rettig; Connor Muff; Landon Krause; Eli Herro.  
  On court for CLARKE: Erik Schmidt; Tye Ojala; Stephen Lewandowski; Zachary Barr; Timothy Meyer; Michael Jenkins.  
  WILLIAM subs: Carlos Garcia.  
  CLARKE subs: Nick Palatine.  
[Connor Muff] Kill by Michael Jenkins (from Erik Schmidt). Point CLARKE 0-1
  CLARKE subs: Montez Thompson.  
[Erik Schmidt] Bad set by Connor Muff. Point CLARKE 0-2
[Erik Schmidt] Kill by Montez Thompson (from Erik Schmidt). Point CLARKE 0-3
[Erik Schmidt] Kill by Landon Krause (from Connor Muff). Point WILLIAM
[Ike Papes] Service error. Point CLARKE 1-4
[Michael Jenkins] Kill by Landon Krause (from Connor Muff). Point WILLIAM
[Carlos Garcia] Service error. Point CLARKE 2-5
[Nick Palatine] Attack error by Michael Jenkins. Point WILLIAM
[Landon Krause] Kill by Montez Thompson (from Erik Schmidt). Point CLARKE 3-6
[Timothy Meyer] Attack error by CJ Rettig. Point CLARKE 3-7
[Timothy Meyer] Kill by Tye Ojala (from Erik Schmidt). Point CLARKE 3-8
  Timeout William Penn.  
[Timothy Meyer] Kill by Tye Ojala (from Michael Jenkins). Point CLARKE 3-9
[Timothy Meyer] Service error. Point WILLIAM
  WILLIAM subs: Luke Scheuble.  
[Luke Scheuble] Kill by Ike Papes (from Connor Muff). Point WILLIAM
[Luke Scheuble] Kill by Michael Jenkins (from Erik Schmidt). Point CLARKE 5-10
[Tye Ojala] Attack error by Michael Jenkins (block by Charlie Figy; Connor Muff). Point WILLIAM
[Charlie Figy] Kill by Erik Schmidt (from Nick Palatine). Point CLARKE 6-11
[Zachary Barr] Kill by Zachary Barr (from Erik Schmidt). Point CLARKE 6-12
  Timeout William Penn.  
[Zachary Barr] Attack error by Michael Jenkins (block by Connor Muff; Eli Herro). Point WILLIAM
[Connor Muff] Attack error by Michael Jenkins (block by Landon Krause; Eli Herro). Point WILLIAM
[Connor Muff] Kill by Michael Jenkins (from Nick Palatine). Point CLARKE 8-13
[Erik Schmidt] Kill by Stephen Lewandowski (from Erik Schmidt). Point CLARKE 8-14
[Erik Schmidt] Kill by Eli Herro (from Connor Muff). Point WILLIAM
[Ike Papes] Attack error by Michael Jenkins (block by CJ Rettig). Point WILLIAM
[Ike Papes] Attack error by Stephen Lewandowski (block by Eli Herro). Point WILLIAM
[Ike Papes] Kill by Landon Krause (from Connor Muff). Point WILLIAM
  Timeout Clarke.  
[Ike Papes] Attack error by Montez Thompson. Point WILLIAM
[Ike Papes] Kill by Eli Herro. Point WILLIAM
[Ike Papes] Kill by CJ Rettig (from Eli Herro). Point WILLIAM
[Ike Papes] Service error. Point CLARKE 15-15
[Michael Jenkins] Kill by Montez Thompson (from Nick Palatine). Point CLARKE 15-16
[Michael Jenkins] Kill by Landon Krause (from Connor Muff). Point WILLIAM
[Carlos Garcia] Kill by Michael Jenkins (from Erik Schmidt). Point CLARKE 16-17
[Nick Palatine] Service error. Point WILLIAM
[Landon Krause] Service error. Point CLARKE 17-18
[Timothy Meyer] Attack error by CJ Rettig. Point CLARKE 17-19
[Timothy Meyer] Attack error by Ike Papes. Point CLARKE 17-20
[Timothy Meyer] Attack error by Charlie Figy (block by Tye Ojala; Zachary Barr). Point CLARKE 17-21
[Timothy Meyer] Service error. Point WILLIAM
  WILLIAM subs: Luke Scheuble.  
[Luke Scheuble] Service error. Point CLARKE 18-22
[Tye Ojala] Attack error by Ike Papes. Point CLARKE 18-23
[Tye Ojala] Kill by Charlie Figy (from Connor Muff). Point WILLIAM
[Charlie Figy] Service error. Point CLARKE 19-24
[Zachary Barr] Service ace (Carlos Garcia). Point CLARKE 19-25
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  On court for CLARKE: Erik Schmidt; Tye Ojala; Montez Thompson; Stephen Lewandowski; Zachary Barr; Michael Jenkins.  
  On court for WILLIAM : Charlie Figy; Ike Papes; CJ Rettig; Landon Krause; Matt Helmick; Eli Herro.  
  WILLIAM subs: Carlos Garcia.  
  CLARKE subs: Nick Palatine.  
[Erik Schmidt] Kill by Landon Krause (from Matt Helmick). Point WILLIAM
[Matt Helmick] Attack error by Montez Thompson (block by Landon Krause; Eli Herro). Point WILLIAM
[Matt Helmick] Kill by Stephen Lewandowski (from Erik Schmidt). Point CLARKE 2-1
[Michael Jenkins] Kill by Eli Herro (from Matt Helmick). Point WILLIAM
[Ike Papes] Kill by Montez Thompson (from Erik Schmidt). Point CLARKE 3-2
[Nick Palatine] Attack error by Eli Herro. Point CLARKE 3-3
[Nick Palatine] Kill by Ike Papes (from Matt Helmick). Point WILLIAM
[Carlos Garcia] Attack error by CJ Rettig. Point CLARKE 4-4
[Timothy Meyer] Kill by Charlie Figy (from Matt Helmick). Point WILLIAM
[Landon Krause] Kill by Charlie Figy (from Carlos Garcia). Point WILLIAM
[Landon Krause] Service ace (Nick Palatine). Point WILLIAM
[Landon Krause] Kill by Charlie Figy. Point WILLIAM
[Landon Krause] Attack error by Tye Ojala. Point WILLIAM
[Landon Krause] Attack error by Zachary Barr (block by Charlie Figy; Matt Helmick). Point WILLIAM
  Timeout Clarke.  
[Landon Krause] Kill by Landon Krause (from Matt Helmick). Point WILLIAM
[Landon Krause] Kill by Charlie Figy. Point WILLIAM
[Landon Krause] Service error. Point CLARKE 12-5
[Tye Ojala] Kill by Michael Jenkins (from Erik Schmidt). Point CLARKE 12-6
[Tye Ojala] Kill by Matt Helmick (from Carlos Garcia). Point WILLIAM
  WILLIAM subs: Luke Scheuble.  
[Luke Scheuble] Kill by Michael Jenkins (from Erik Schmidt). Point CLARKE 13-7
[Zachary Barr] Kill by Charlie Figy (from Matt Helmick). Point WILLIAM
[Charlie Figy] Service error. Point CLARKE 14-8
[Erik Schmidt] Kill by Ike Papes (from Matt Helmick). Point WILLIAM
[Matt Helmick] Attack error by Michael Jenkins (block by Ike Papes). Point WILLIAM
[Matt Helmick] Service error. Point CLARKE 16-9
[Michael Jenkins] Kill by Landon Krause (from Matt Helmick). Point WILLIAM
  Timeout Clarke.  
[Ike Papes] Kill by Montez Thompson (from Erik Schmidt). Point CLARKE 17-10
[Nick Palatine] Kill by Ike Papes (from Matt Helmick). Point WILLIAM
[Carlos Garcia] Attack error by Tye Ojala. Point WILLIAM
[Carlos Garcia] Kill by Montez Thompson (from Erik Schmidt). Point CLARKE 19-11
[Timothy Meyer] Kill by Landon Krause (from Matt Helmick). Point WILLIAM
[Landon Krause] Service error. Point CLARKE 20-12
[Tye Ojala] Service error. Point WILLIAM
[Luke Scheuble] Kill by Michael Jenkins (from Erik Schmidt). Point CLARKE 21-13
[Zachary Barr] Service ace (CJ Rettig). Point CLARKE 21-14
[Zachary Barr] Service ace (Landon Krause). Point CLARKE 21-15
[Zachary Barr] Kill by Landon Krause (from Ike Papes). Point WILLIAM
[Charlie Figy] Kill by Michael Jenkins (from Erik Schmidt). Point CLARKE 22-16
[Erik Schmidt] Attack error by Ike Papes. Point CLARKE 22-17
[Erik Schmidt] Kill by Ike Papes (from Matt Helmick). Point WILLIAM
[Matt Helmick] Kill by Stephen Lewandowski (from Erik Schmidt). Point CLARKE 23-18
[Michael Jenkins] Attack error by Eli Herro (block by Stephen Lewandowski). Point CLARKE 23-19
[Michael Jenkins] Kill by Landon Krause (from Matt Helmick). Point WILLIAM
[Ike Papes] Service error. Point CLARKE 24-20
[Nick Palatine] Kill by Landon Krause (from Matt Helmick). Point WILLIAM
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  On court for CLARKE: Erik Schmidt; Tye Ojala; Stephen Lewandowski; Michael Jenkins; Zachary Barr; Timothy Meyer.  
  On court for WILLIAM : Charlie Figy; Ike Papes; CJ Rettig; Landon Krause; Matt Helmick; Eli Herro.  
  WILLIAM subs: Carlos Garcia.  
  CLARKE subs: Nick Palatine.  
[Matt Helmick] Kill by Michael Jenkins (from Erik Schmidt). Point CLARKE 0-1
  CLARKE subs: Montez Thompson.  
[Erik Schmidt] Kill by Ike Papes (from Matt Helmick). Point WILLIAM
[Ike Papes] Attack error by Montez Thompson. Point WILLIAM
[Ike Papes] Service ace (Nick Palatine). Point WILLIAM
[Ike Papes] Service error. Point CLARKE 3-2
[Michael Jenkins] Attack error by CJ Rettig (block by Montez Thompson; Stephen Lewandowski). Point CLARKE 3-3
[Michael Jenkins] Kill by Landon Krause (from Matt Helmick). Point WILLIAM
[Carlos Garcia] Attack error by Tye Ojala (block by Charlie Figy; Landon Krause). Point WILLIAM
[Carlos Garcia] Kill by Montez Thompson (from Erik Schmidt). Point CLARKE 5-4
[Nick Palatine] Kill by Charlie Figy (from Matt Helmick). Point WILLIAM
[Landon Krause] Kill by Landon Krause (from Matt Helmick). Point WILLIAM
[Landon Krause] Kill by Montez Thompson (from Erik Schmidt). Point CLARKE 7-5
  CLARKE subs: Timothy Meyer.  
[Timothy Meyer] Kill by Tye Ojala. Point CLARKE 7-6
[Timothy Meyer] Kill by Landon Krause (from Matt Helmick). Point WILLIAM
  WILLIAM subs: Luke Scheuble.  
[Luke Scheuble] Kill by Zachary Barr (from Erik Schmidt). Point CLARKE 8-7
[Tye Ojala] Kill by Ike Papes (from Matt Helmick). Point WILLIAM
[Charlie Figy] Kill by Michael Jenkins (from Erik Schmidt). Point CLARKE 9-8
[Zachary Barr] Attack error by Ike Papes (block by Erik Schmidt; Stephen Lewandowski). Point CLARKE 9-9
[Matt Helmick] Service error. Point CLARKE 9-10
[Erik Schmidt] Kill by Ike Papes (from Matt Helmick). Point WILLIAM
[Ike Papes] Kill by Stephen Lewandowski (from Erik Schmidt). Point CLARKE 10-11
[Michael Jenkins] Kill by Landon Krause (from Matt Helmick). Point WILLIAM
[Carlos Garcia] Service error. Point CLARKE 12-11
[Nick Palatine] Kill by Charlie Figy (from Matt Helmick). Point WILLIAM
[Landon Krause] Attack error by Montez Thompson. Point WILLIAM
[Landon Krause] Kill by Charlie Figy. Point WILLIAM
[Landon Krause] Service error. Point CLARKE 15-12
[Timothy Meyer] Attack error by Ike Papes. Point CLARKE 15-13
[Timothy Meyer] Attack error by CJ Rettig (block by Erik Schmidt). Point CLARKE 15-14
[Timothy Meyer] Kill by Charlie Figy (from Matt Helmick). Point WILLIAM
  WILLIAM subs: Luke Scheuble.  
[Luke Scheuble] Attack error by Tye Ojala. Point WILLIAM
[Luke Scheuble] Attack error by Ike Papes. Point CLARKE 17-15
[Tye Ojala] Attack error by Ike Papes. Point CLARKE 17-16
[Tye Ojala] Attack error by Ike Papes. Point CLARKE 17-17
[Tye Ojala] Kill by Charlie Figy (from Matt Helmick). Point WILLIAM
[Charlie Figy] Attack error by Michael Jenkins. Point WILLIAM
[Charlie Figy] Service ace (Tye Ojala). Point WILLIAM
[Charlie Figy] Service error. Point CLARKE 20-18
[Zachary Barr] Service ace (Carlos Garcia). Point CLARKE 20-19
[Zachary Barr] Kill by Ike Papes (from Matt Helmick). Point WILLIAM
[Matt Helmick] Service error. Point CLARKE 21-20
[Erik Schmidt] Service ace (Carlos Garcia). Point CLARKE 21-21
  Timeout William Penn.  
[Erik Schmidt] Attack error by Ike Papes. Point CLARKE 21-22
[Erik Schmidt] Kill by Montez Thompson (from Erik Schmidt). Point CLARKE 21-23
[Erik Schmidt] Attack error by Ike Papes. Point CLARKE 21-24
[Erik Schmidt] Service error. Point WILLIAM
[Ike Papes] Attack error by Landon Krause. Point CLARKE 22-25
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  On court for WILLIAM : Charlie Figy; Ike Papes; CJ Rettig; Connor Muff; Landon Krause; Eli Herro.  
  On court for CLARKE: Erik Schmidt; Tye Ojala; Stephen Lewandowski; Timothy Meyer; Zachary Barr; Michael Jenkins.  
  WILLIAM subs: Carlos Garcia.  
  CLARKE subs: Nick Palatine.  
[Connor Muff] Kill by Ike Papes (from Connor Muff). Point WILLIAM
[Connor Muff] Kill by Michael Jenkins (from Erik Schmidt). Point CLARKE 1-1
  CLARKE subs: Montez Thompson.  
[Erik Schmidt] Kill by Landon Krause (from Connor Muff). Point WILLIAM
[Ike Papes] Attack error by Montez Thompson. Point WILLIAM
[Ike Papes] Service error. Point CLARKE 3-2
[Michael Jenkins] Kill by Landon Krause (from Connor Muff). Point WILLIAM
[Carlos Garcia] Service error. Point CLARKE 4-3
[Nick Palatine] Attack error by Ike Papes. Point CLARKE 4-4
[Nick Palatine] Kill by Charlie Figy (from Connor Muff). Point WILLIAM
[Landon Krause] Service ace (Nick Palatine). Point WILLIAM
[Landon Krause] Attack error by Montez Thompson. Point WILLIAM
[Landon Krause] Service error. Point CLARKE 7-5
[Timothy Meyer] Kill by Ike Papes (from Connor Muff). Point WILLIAM
  WILLIAM subs: Luke Scheuble.  
[Luke Scheuble] Kill by Ike Papes (from Connor Muff). Point WILLIAM
  Timeout Clarke.  
[Luke Scheuble] Service error. Point CLARKE 9-6
[Tye Ojala] Kill by CJ Rettig (from Connor Muff). Point WILLIAM
[Charlie Figy] Attack error by Zachary Barr (block by Ike Papes). Point WILLIAM
[Charlie Figy] Attack error by Tye Ojala. Point WILLIAM
  Timeout Clarke.  
[Charlie Figy] Service error. Point CLARKE 12-7
[Zachary Barr] Attack error by Ike Papes (block by Stephen Lewandowski). Point CLARKE 12-8
[Zachary Barr] Service ace (CJ Rettig). Point CLARKE 12-9
[Zachary Barr] Kill by Stephen Lewandowski. Point CLARKE 12-10
  Timeout William Penn.  
[Zachary Barr] Kill by Michael Jenkins (from Erik Schmidt). Point CLARKE 12-11
[Zachary Barr] Service error. Point WILLIAM
[Connor Muff] Kill by Michael Jenkins (from Erik Schmidt). Point CLARKE 13-12
[Erik Schmidt] Kill by Michael Jenkins (from Erik Schmidt). Point CLARKE 13-13
  Timeout William Penn.  
[Erik Schmidt] Kill by Landon Krause (from CJ Rettig). Point WILLIAM
[Ike Papes] Service ace (Erik Schmidt). Point WILLIAM
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