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Official Volleyball Box Score

William Carey at Florida College

9/2/2022 at 2:00 PM
@ Florida College
Final 1 2 3 4 Score
William Carey (Miss.) (1-0) 22 25 25 25 3
Florida College (FL) (0-1) 25 22 23 21 1
Set: 1st  |  2nd  |  3rd  |  4th
  WILLIAM starters: Abby Wright; Rachel Hartmann; Reagan Huff; Mia Hague; Avery Durdin; Elaina Anderson.  
  FLORIDA starters: Krista Trimble; Jessie Lashley; Adriana Bravo; Michelle Taylor; Emma Noskey; Emilie Selvidge.  
[Rachel Hartmann] Kill by Krista Trimble (from Emilie Selvidge). Point FLORIDA
[Krista Trimble] Kill by Emma Noskey (from Emilie Selvidge). Point FLORIDA
[Krista Trimble] Attack error by Avery Durdin. Point FLORIDA
[Krista Trimble] Kill by Reagan Huff (from Rachel Hartmann). Point WILLIAM
[Jacey Garriga] Kill by Adriana Bravo (from Emilie Selvidge). Point FLORIDA
[Michelle Taylor] Ball handling error by Emilie Selvidge. Point WILLIAM
[Kacey Lear] Kill by Emma Noskey (from Emilie Selvidge), block error by Abby Wright. Point FLORIDA
[Emma Noskey] Kill by Mia Hague (from Rachel Hartmann). Point WILLIAM
[Rachael Messer] Kill by Emma Noskey (from Emilie Selvidge). Point FLORIDA
[Adriana Bravo] Kill by Emilie Selvidge (from Krista Trimble). Point FLORIDA
[Adriana Bravo] Attack error by Abby Wright. Point FLORIDA
[Adriana Bravo] Kill by Mia Hague (from Rachael Messer). Point WILLIAM
[Mia Hague] Kill by Leah Brown (from Emilie Selvidge). Point FLORIDA
[Avery Lanning] Service error. Point WILLIAM
[Abby Wright] Kill by Rachel Hartmann (from Mia Hague). Point WILLIAM
[Abby Wright] Service error. Point FLORIDA
[Emilie Selvidge] Attack error by Reagan Huff. Point FLORIDA
[Emilie Selvidge] Attack error by Emma Noskey. Point WILLIAM
[Rachel Hartmann] Kill by Krista Trimble (from Emilie Selvidge). Point FLORIDA
[Krista Trimble] Attack error by Reagan Huff (block by Emma Noskey). Point FLORIDA
[Krista Trimble] Kill by Reagan Huff (from Rachel Hartmann). Point WILLIAM
[Jacey Garriga] Attack error by Michelle Taylor. Point WILLIAM
[Jacey Garriga] Kill by Adriana Bravo (from Emilie Selvidge). Point FLORIDA
[Michelle Taylor] Kill by Emilie Selvidge (from Michelle Taylor). Point FLORIDA
[Michelle Taylor] Kill by Mia Hague (from Avery Durdin), block error by Leah Brown. Point WILLIAM
[Kacey Lear] Kill by Emma Noskey (from Emilie Selvidge). Point FLORIDA
[Emma Noskey] Bad set by Emilie Selvidge. Point WILLIAM
[Rachael Messer] Attack error by Adriana Bravo. Point WILLIAM
[Rachael Messer] Kill by Emma Noskey (from Emilie Selvidge). Point FLORIDA
[Adriana Bravo] Kill by Mia Hague (from Rachael Messer). Point WILLIAM
[Mia Hague] Kill by Emilie Selvidge (from Adriana Bravo). Point FLORIDA
[Avery Lanning] Attack error by Krista Trimble. Point WILLIAM
[Abby Wright] Service ace (Adriana Bravo). Point WILLIAM
[Abby Wright] Attack error by Krista Trimble. Point WILLIAM
[Abby Wright] Service ace (Adriana Bravo). Point WILLIAM
[Abby Wright] Attack error by Krista Trimble. Point WILLIAM
[Abby Wright] Kill by Krista Trimble (from Emilie Selvidge). Point FLORIDA
[Emilie Selvidge] Attack error by Emma Noskey (block by Rachael Messer; Elaina Anderson). Point WILLIAM
[Rachel Hartmann] Ball handling error by Emilie Selvidge. Point WILLIAM
[Rachel Hartmann] Attack error by Avery Durdin. Point FLORIDA
[Krista Trimble] Service ace (Team). Point FLORIDA
[Krista Trimble] Kill by Krista Trimble (from Emilie Selvidge). Point FLORIDA
[Krista Trimble] Attack error by Elaina Anderson. Point FLORIDA
[Krista Trimble] Attack error by Avery Durdin. Point FLORIDA
[Krista Trimble] Kill by Reagan Huff (from Rachel Hartmann). Point WILLIAM
[Jacey Garriga] Kill by Emma Noskey (from Avery Lanning). Point FLORIDA
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[Emilie Selvidge] Kill by Reagan Huff (from Kacey Lear). Point WILLIAM
[Jacey Garriga] Kill by Krista Trimble (from Emilie Selvidge), block error by Elaina Anderson. Point FLORIDA
[Krista Trimble] Kill by Mia Hague (from Avery Durdin). Point WILLIAM
[Kacey Lear] Kill by Mia Hague (from Rachel Hartmann). Point WILLIAM
[Kacey Lear] Attack error by Avery Durdin. Point FLORIDA
[Michelle Taylor] Kill by Mia Hague (from Rachel Hartmann). Point WILLIAM
[Rachael Messer] Attack error by Emma Noskey. Point WILLIAM
[Rachael Messer] Bad set by Kacey Lear. Point FLORIDA
[Emma Noskey] Attack error by Rachel Hartmann. Point FLORIDA
[Emma Noskey] Attack error by 13 (block by Abby Wright). Point WILLIAM
[Mia Hague] Attack error by Rachel Hartmann. Point FLORIDA
[Adriana Bravo] Kill by Krista Trimble (from Emilie Selvidge). Point FLORIDA
[Adriana Bravo] Service error. Point WILLIAM
[Abby Wright] Attack error by Rachel Hartmann (block by Krista Trimble). Point FLORIDA
[Avery Lanning] Attack error by Michelle Taylor (block by Reagan Huff; Elaina Anderson). Point WILLIAM
[Rachel Hartmann] Kill by Reagan Huff (from Kacey Lear). Point WILLIAM
[Rachel Hartmann] Attack error by Reagan Huff. Point FLORIDA
[Emilie Selvidge] Attack error by Avery Durdin (block by Krista Trimble; Michelle Taylor). Point FLORIDA
[Emilie Selvidge] Attack error by Elaina Anderson. Point FLORIDA
[Emilie Selvidge] Kill by Michelle Taylor (from Emilie Selvidge). Point FLORIDA
[Emilie Selvidge] Ball handling error by Emilie Selvidge. Point WILLIAM
[Jacey Garriga] Kill by Emma Noskey (from Emilie Selvidge), block error by Elaina Anderson. Point FLORIDA
[Krista Trimble] Attack error by Adriana Bravo. Point WILLIAM
[Kacey Lear] Kill by Adriana Bravo (from Emilie Selvidge). Point FLORIDA
[Michelle Taylor] Kill by Mia Hague (from Rachel Hartmann). Point WILLIAM
[Rachael Messer] Kill by Emma Noskey (from Emilie Selvidge). Point FLORIDA
[Emma Noskey] Service error. Point WILLIAM
[Mia Hague] Kill by Adriana Bravo (from Emilie Selvidge). Point FLORIDA
[Adriana Bravo] Attack error by Abby Wright (block by Leah Brown). Point FLORIDA
[Adriana Bravo] Service error. Point WILLIAM
[Evy Harlan] Kill by Reagan Huff (from Rachael Messer). Point WILLIAM
[Evy Harlan] Kill by Krista Trimble (from Adriana Bravo). Point FLORIDA
[Avery Lanning] Kill by Rachel Hartmann (from Rachael Messer). Point WILLIAM
[Rachel Hartmann] Kill by Reagan Huff (from Rachel Hartmann), block error by Michelle Taylor. Point WILLIAM
[Rachel Hartmann] Bad set by Rachel Hartmann. Point FLORIDA
[Emilie Selvidge] Service error. Point WILLIAM
[Jacey Garriga] Kill by Michelle Taylor (from Emilie Selvidge). Point FLORIDA
[Krista Trimble] Service error. Point WILLIAM
[Kacey Lear] Kill by Mia Hague (from Rachel Hartmann). Point WILLIAM
[Kacey Lear] Service error. Point FLORIDA
[Michelle Taylor] Kill by Adriana Bravo (from Emma Noskey). Point FLORIDA
[Michelle Taylor] Attack error by Emma Noskey (block by Mia Hague; Evy Harlan). Point WILLIAM
[Rachael Messer] Attack error by Adriana Bravo. Point WILLIAM
[Rachael Messer] Kill by Rachel Hartmann (from Kacey Lear). Point WILLIAM
[Rachael Messer] Kill by Emma Noskey (from Emilie Selvidge). Point FLORIDA
[Emma Noskey] Kill by Rachel Hartmann (from Rachael Messer). Point WILLIAM
[Mia Hague] Kill by Rachel Hartmann (from Kacey Lear), block error by Adriana Bravo. Point WILLIAM
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[Rachel Hartmann] Kill by Emma Noskey (from Emilie Selvidge), block error by Avery Durdin. Point FLORIDA
[Krista Trimble] Attack error by Mia Hague. Point FLORIDA
[Krista Trimble] Attack error by Avery Durdin. Point FLORIDA
[Krista Trimble] Kill by Avery Durdin (from Rachel Hartmann), block error by Emma Noskey. Point WILLIAM
[Avery Durdin] Attack error by Avery Durdin (block by Adriana Bravo; Michelle Taylor). Point FLORIDA
[Michelle Taylor] Kill by Mia Hague (from Avery Durdin). Point WILLIAM
[Kacey Lear] Attack error by 02. Point FLORIDA
[Kacey Lear] Kill by Emma Noskey (from Emilie Selvidge). Point FLORIDA
[Emma Noskey] Kill by Mia Hague (from Kacey Lear). Point WILLIAM
[Kacey Lear] Kill by Adriana Bravo (from Emilie Selvidge). Point FLORIDA
[Adriana Bravo] Kill by Rachel Hartmann (from Kacey Lear). Point WILLIAM
[Mia Hague] Service ace (Michelle Taylor). Point WILLIAM
[Mia Hague] Attack error by Reagan Huff. Point FLORIDA
[Avery Lanning] Attack error by Reagan Huff. Point FLORIDA
[Avery Lanning] Kill by Michelle Taylor (from Emilie Selvidge). Point FLORIDA
[Avery Lanning] Kill by Michelle Taylor (from Emilie Selvidge). Point FLORIDA
[Avery Lanning] Bad set by Michelle Taylor. Point WILLIAM
[Evy Harlan] Attack error by Rachel Hartmann. Point FLORIDA
[Emilie Selvidge] Kill by Emma Noskey (from Emilie Selvidge). Point FLORIDA
[Emilie Selvidge] Attack error by Avery Lanning. Point WILLIAM
[Avery Durdin] Kill by Krista Trimble (from Emilie Selvidge). Point FLORIDA
[Krista Trimble] Kill by Elaina Anderson (from Rachel Hartmann). Point WILLIAM
[Jacey Garriga] Attack error by Mia Hague. Point FLORIDA
[Michelle Taylor] Kill by Emma Noskey (from Krista Trimble). Point FLORIDA
[Michelle Taylor] Kill by Mia Hague (from Avery Durdin), block error by Emma Noskey. Point WILLIAM
[Kacey Lear] Kill by Mia Hague (from Rachel Hartmann). Point WILLIAM
[Kacey Lear] Bad set by Emilie Selvidge. Point WILLIAM
[Kacey Lear] Kill by Mia Hague (from Rachel Hartmann). Point WILLIAM
[Kacey Lear] Kill by Emma Noskey (from Emilie Selvidge), block error by Mia Hague. Point FLORIDA
[Emma Noskey] Kill by Mia Hague (from Rachel Hartmann). Point WILLIAM
[Avery Durdin] Attack error by Leah Brown. Point WILLIAM
[Avery Durdin] Kill by Emilie Selvidge (from Emma Noskey). Point FLORIDA
[Adriana Bravo] Kill by Evy Harlan (from Avery Durdin). Point WILLIAM
[Mia Hague] Kill by Rachel Hartmann (from Kacey Lear). Point WILLIAM
[Mia Hague] Kill by Rachel Hartmann (from Kacey Lear). Point WILLIAM
[Mia Hague] Service error. Point FLORIDA
[Avery Lanning] Kill by Reagan Huff (from Avery Durdin). Point WILLIAM
[Evy Harlan] Attack error by Rachel Hartmann. Point FLORIDA
[Emilie Selvidge] Kill by Elaina Anderson (from Avery Durdin). Point WILLIAM
[Avery Durdin] Attack error by Mia Hague. Point FLORIDA
[Krista Trimble] Kill by Rachel Hartmann (from Mia Hague). Point WILLIAM
[Jacey Garriga] Attack error by Emma Noskey. Point WILLIAM
[Jacey Garriga] Kill by Adriana Bravo (from Emilie Selvidge). Point FLORIDA
[Michelle Taylor] Kill by Adriana Bravo (from Emilie Selvidge). Point FLORIDA
[Michelle Taylor] Service error. Point WILLIAM
[Kacey Lear] Kill by Emma Noskey (from Emilie Selvidge), block error by Evy Harlan. Point FLORIDA
[Emma Noskey] Bad set by Kacey Lear. Point FLORIDA
[Avery Durdin] Service ace (Avery Lanning). Point WILLIAM
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[Emilie Selvidge] Kill by Emma Noskey (from Avery Lanning). Point FLORIDA
[Emilie Selvidge] Kill by Emma Noskey (from Emilie Selvidge). Point FLORIDA
[Emilie Selvidge] Service ace (Team). Point FLORIDA
[Emilie Selvidge] Bad set by Avery Durdin. Point FLORIDA
[Jacey Garriga] Kill by Mia Hague (from Rachel Hartmann), block error by Michelle Taylor. Point WILLIAM
[Jacey Garriga] Attack error by Emma Noskey (block by Mia Hague). Point WILLIAM
[Jacey Garriga] Attack error by Emma Noskey (block by Elaina Anderson). Point WILLIAM
[Jacey Garriga] Kill by Krista Trimble (from Emilie Selvidge), block error by Mia Hague. Point FLORIDA
[Krista Trimble] Kill by Mia Hague (from Rachel Hartmann). Point WILLIAM
[Kacey Lear] Service error. Point FLORIDA
[Michelle Taylor] Kill by Avery Durdin (from Rachel Hartmann). Point WILLIAM
[Avery Durdin] Service error. Point FLORIDA
[Emma Noskey] Kill by Adriana Bravo (from Emilie Selvidge), block error by Rachel Hartmann. Point FLORIDA
[Emma Noskey] Service error. Point WILLIAM
[Mia Hague] Attack error by Adriana Bravo (block by Reagan Huff). Point WILLIAM
[Mia Hague] Attack error by 02. Point FLORIDA
[Mia Hague] Service ace (Team). Point WILLIAM
[Mia Hague] Kill by Rachel Hartmann (from Avery Durdin). Point WILLIAM
[Mia Hague] Kill by Emma Noskey (from Emilie Selvidge), block error by Rachel Hartmann. Point FLORIDA
[Adriana Bravo] Kill by Avery Durdin (from Mia Hague). Point WILLIAM
[Evy Harlan] Kill by Krista Trimble (from Emilie Selvidge), block error by Elaina Anderson. Point FLORIDA
[Avery Lanning] Kill by Elaina Anderson (from Avery Durdin), block error by Emilie Selvidge. Point WILLIAM
[Rachel Hartmann] Kill by Mia Hague (from Kacey Lear). Point WILLIAM
[Rachel Hartmann] Attack error by Elaina Anderson. Point FLORIDA
[Emilie Selvidge] Kill by Elaina Anderson (from Rachel Hartmann), block error by Michelle Taylor. Point WILLIAM
[Jacey Garriga] Kill by Emma Noskey (from Emilie Selvidge). Point FLORIDA
[Krista Trimble] Service ace (Team). Point FLORIDA
[Krista Trimble] Kill by Elaina Anderson (from Rachel Hartmann). Point WILLIAM
[Kacey Lear] Bad set by Rachel Hartmann. Point FLORIDA
[Michelle Taylor] Kill by Mia Hague (from Rachel Hartmann). Point WILLIAM
[Avery Durdin] Kill by Adriana Bravo (from Emilie Selvidge). Point FLORIDA
[Emma Noskey] Kill by Emma Noskey (from Emilie Selvidge). Point FLORIDA
[Emma Noskey] Kill by Mia Hague (from Avery Durdin). Point WILLIAM
[Mia Hague] Attack error by Adriana Bravo. Point WILLIAM
[Mia Hague] Attack error by Rachel Hartmann. Point FLORIDA
[Adriana Bravo] Kill by Reagan Huff (from Avery Durdin), block error by Leah Brown. Point WILLIAM
[Evy Harlan] Attack error by Krista Trimble. Point WILLIAM
[Evy Harlan] Attack error by Krista Trimble. Point WILLIAM
[Evy Harlan] Kill by Krista Trimble (from Emilie Selvidge). Point FLORIDA
[Avery Lanning] Kill by Emma Noskey (from Emilie Selvidge). Point FLORIDA
[Avery Lanning] Kill by Reagan Huff (from Avery Durdin). Point WILLIAM
[Rachel Hartmann] Bad set by Rachel Hartmann. Point FLORIDA
[Emilie Selvidge] Attack error by Avery Lanning. Point WILLIAM
[Jacey Garriga] Kill by Emma Noskey (from Emilie Selvidge). Point FLORIDA
[Krista Trimble] Kill by Emma Noskey (from Emilie Selvidge). Point FLORIDA
[Krista Trimble] Kill by Mia Hague (from Rachel Hartmann). Point WILLIAM
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