Official Volleyball Box Score
Mobile vs. Spartanburg Methodis
8/16/2024 at 8:00 PM
@ West Palm Beach, Fla (Student Life Center)
Set: 1st | 2nd | 3rd | ||
MOBILE | -- 1st -- | SPARTANB |
MOBILE starters: Emily Osborne; Dazsha Dean Middleto; Tatum Beech; Kendel Lee Frazer; Lexi Gillette; Layton Adams. | ||
SPARTANB starters: Brantlie Price; Kendall Meinders; Makinnley Smart; Tristan Craine; Bailey Beck; Aurora Aho. | ||
1-0 | [Tristan Craine] Kill by Dazsha Dean Middleto (from Tatum Beech). Point MOBILE | |
MOBILE subs: Corrina Porch-Maxey; Aspen Adams. | ||
2-0 | [Aspen Adams] Kill by Layton Adams (from Jaci Drinnon). Point MOBILE | |
3-0 | [Aspen Adams] Kill by Corrina Porch-Maxey (from Tatum Beech). Point MOBILE | |
SPARTANB subs: Olivia Schoenstra. | ||
[Aspen Adams] Attack error by Corrina Porch-Maxey. Point SPARTANB | 3-1 | |
4-1 | [Aurora Aho] Service error. Point MOBILE | |
[Jaci Drinnon] Kill by Brantlie Price (from Tristan Craine). Point SPARTANB | 4-2 | |
[Katherine James] Kill by Brantlie Price (from Katherine James). Point SPARTANB | 4-3 | |
5-3 | [Katherine James] Kill by Corrina Porch-Maxey (from Tatum Beech). Point MOBILE | |
MOBILE subs: Emma Hampton. | ||
6-3 | [Layton Adams] Kill by Emma Hampton (from Layton Adams). Point MOBILE | |
[Layton Adams] Attack error by Corrina Porch-Maxey (block by Kendall Meinders; Makinnley Smart). Point SPARTANB | 6-4 | |
SPARTANB subs: Brook Noe; Leilani Campbell. | ||
7-4 | [Brook Noe] Kill by Emma Hampton (from Layton Adams). Point MOBILE | |
MOBILE subs: Kendel Lee Frazer; Lexi Gillette. | ||
8-4 | [Lexi Gillette] Kill by Kendel Lee Frazer (from Layton Adams). Point MOBILE | |
9-4 | [Lexi Gillette] Kill by Kendel Lee Frazer (from Layton Adams). Point MOBILE | |
[Lexi Gillette] Service error. Point SPARTANB | 9-5 | |
SPARTANB subs: Olivia Schoenstra. | ||
10-5 | [Olivia Schoenstra] Kill by Emma Hampton (from Layton Adams). Point MOBILE | |
MOBILE subs: Gabby Sheffield. | ||
11-5 | [Gabby Sheffield] Service ace (Olivia Schoenstra). Point MOBILE | |
[Gabby Sheffield] Attack error by Kendel Lee Frazer (block by Leilani Campbell). Point SPARTANB | 11-6 | |
MOBILE subs: Emily Osborne. | ||
12-6 | [Kendall Meinders] Kill by Kendel Lee Frazer (from Layton Adams). Point MOBILE | |
MOBILE subs: Tatum Beech. | ||
13-6 | [Tatum Beech] Attack error by Aurora Aho (block by Dazsha Dean Middleto; Layton Adams). Point MOBILE | |
Timeout Spartanburg Methodis. | ||
[Tatum Beech] Kill by Aurora Aho (from Brook Noe). Point SPARTANB | 13-7 | |
14-7 | [Tristan Craine] Kill by Kendel Lee Frazer (from Tatum Beech). Point MOBILE | |
MOBILE subs: Corrina Porch-Maxey; Aspen Adams. | ||
15-7 | [Aspen Adams] Kill by Layton Adams (from Tatum Beech). Point MOBILE | |
16-7 | [Aspen Adams] Service ace (Aurora Aho). Point MOBILE | |
17-7 | [Aspen Adams] Service ace (Katherine James). Point MOBILE | |
[Aspen Adams] Kill by Makinnley Smart (from Tristan Craine). Point SPARTANB | 17-8 | |
SPARTANB subs: Brantlie Price. | ||
18-8 | [Aurora Aho] Kill by Corrina Porch-Maxey (from Tatum Beech). Point MOBILE | |
19-8 | [Jaci Drinnon] Kill by Corrina Porch-Maxey (from Gabby Sheffield). Point MOBILE | |
[Jaci Drinnon] Attack error by Layton Adams. Point SPARTANB | 19-9 | |
MOBILE subs: Georgia Simmons. | ||
20-9 | [Katherine James] Kill by Emily Osborne (from Tatum Beech). Point MOBILE | |
MOBILE subs: Emma Hampton. | ||
21-9 | [Layton Adams] Attack error by Kendall Meinders. Point MOBILE | |
22-9 | [Layton Adams] Service ace (Aurora Aho). Point MOBILE | |
MOBILE subs: Taliyah Kirby. | ||
SPARTANB subs: Arielle Deas. | ||
[Layton Adams] Kill by Brantlie Price. Point SPARTANB | 22-10 | |
SPARTANB subs: Brook Noe. | ||
SPARTANB subs: Leilani Campbell. | ||
23-10 | [Brook Noe] Kill by Taliyah Kirby (from Layton Adams). Point MOBILE | |
[Lexi Gillette] Kill by Brantlie Price (from Brook Noe). Point SPARTANB | 23-11 | |
SPARTANB subs: Olivia Schoenstra. | ||
SPARTANB subs: Aurora Aho. | ||
24-11 | [Olivia Schoenstra] Kill by Kendel Lee Frazer (from Layton Adams). Point MOBILE | |
MOBILE subs: Gabby Sheffield. | ||
25-11 | [Gabby Sheffield] Kill by Kendel Lee Frazer (from Layton Adams). Point MOBILE | |
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MOBILE | -- 2nd -- | SPARTANB |
On court for MOBILE: Emily Osborne; Dazsha Dean Middleto; Kendel Lee Frazer; Layton Adams; Lexi Gillette; Gabby Sheffield. | ||
On court for SPARTANB: Brantlie Price; Kendall Meinders; Makinnley Smart; Tristan Craine; Bailey Beck; Aurora Aho. | ||
[Tatum Beech] Kill by Aurora Aho (from Tristan Craine). Point SPARTANB | 0-1 | |
1-1 | [Tristan Craine] Kill by Kendel Lee Frazer (from Tatum Beech). Point MOBILE | |
MOBILE subs: Aspen Adams; Corrina Porch-Maxey. | ||
[Aspen Adams] Service error. Point SPARTANB | 1-2 | |
2-2 | [Aurora Aho] Kill by Corrina Porch-Maxey (from Jaci Drinnon). Point MOBILE | |
[Jaci Drinnon] Kill by Makinnley Smart (from Tristan Craine). Point SPARTANB | 2-3 | |
SPARTANB subs: Hana Vucinic. | ||
3-3 | [Hana Vucinic] Kill by Corrina Porch-Maxey (from Tatum Beech). Point MOBILE | |
MOBILE subs: Emma Hampton. | ||
SPARTANB subs: Bailey Beck. | ||
[Layton Adams] Attack error by Emily Osborne (block by Brantlie Price; Kendall Meinders). Point SPARTANB | 3-4 | |
SPARTANB subs: Brook Noe; Leilani Campbell. | ||
4-4 | [Brook Noe] Attack error by Brantlie Price. Point MOBILE | |
MOBILE subs: Kendel Lee Frazer; Lexi Gillette. | ||
[Lexi Gillette] Kill by Kendall Meinders (from Brook Noe). Point SPARTANB | 4-5 | |
SPARTANB subs: Olivia Schoenstra. | ||
5-5 | [Olivia Schoenstra] Kill by Emma Hampton (from Jaci Drinnon). Point MOBILE | |
MOBILE subs: Gabby Sheffield. | ||
[Gabby Sheffield] Kill by Aurora Aho (from Brook Noe). Point SPARTANB | 5-6 | |
MOBILE subs: Emily Osborne. | ||
6-6 | [Kendall Meinders] Kill by Emma Hampton (from Layton Adams). Point MOBILE | |
MOBILE subs: Tatum Beech. | ||
7-6 | [Tatum Beech] Attack error by Aurora Aho. Point MOBILE | |
SPARTANB subs: Braelynn Brewington. | ||
8-6 | [Tatum Beech] Attack error by Bailey Beck. Point MOBILE | |
9-6 | [Tatum Beech] Attack error by Leilani Campbell (block by Kendel Lee Frazer). Point MOBILE | |
SPARTANB subs: Makinnley Smart; Tristan Craine. | ||
10-6 | [Tatum Beech] Service ace (Team). Point MOBILE | |
SPARTANB subs: Brantlie Price. | ||
[Tatum Beech] Kill by Braelynn Brewington (from Tristan Craine). Point SPARTANB | 10-7 | |
11-7 | [Tristan Craine] Kill by Dazsha Dean Middleto (from Tatum Beech). Point MOBILE | |
MOBILE subs: Corrina Porch-Maxey; Aspen Adams. | ||
12-7 | [Aspen Adams] Service ace (Katherine James). Point MOBILE | |
13-7 | [Aspen Adams] Kill by Dazsha Dean Middleto. Point MOBILE | |
14-7 | [Aspen Adams] Service ace (Team). Point MOBILE | |
Timeout Spartanburg Methodis. | ||
15-7 | [Aspen Adams] Service ace (Braelynn Brewington). Point MOBILE | |
16-7 | [Aspen Adams] Service ace (Brantlie Price). Point MOBILE | |
SPARTANB subs: Aurora Aho. | ||
17-7 | [Aspen Adams] Service ace (Aurora Aho). Point MOBILE | |
18-7 | [Aspen Adams] Kill by Dazsha Dean Middleto (from Tatum Beech). Point MOBILE | |
19-7 | [Aspen Adams] Kill by Corrina Porch-Maxey (from Tatum Beech). Point MOBILE | |
[Aspen Adams] Service error. Point SPARTANB | 19-8 | |
[Aurora Aho] Attack error by Corrina Porch-Maxey. Point SPARTANB | 19-9 | |
20-9 | [Aurora Aho] Kill by Sophie Dorris (from Tatum Beech). Point MOBILE | |
21-9 | [Jaci Drinnon] Kill by Sophie Dorris (from Jaci Drinnon). Point MOBILE | |
22-9 | [Jaci Drinnon] Kill by Emily Osborne (from Aspen Adams). Point MOBILE | |
23-9 | [Jaci Drinnon] Kill by Corrina Porch-Maxey (from Corrina Porch-Maxey). Point MOBILE | |
24-9 | [Jaci Drinnon] Service ace (Katherine James). Point MOBILE | |
[Jaci Drinnon] Attack error by Emily Osborne. Point SPARTANB | 24-10 | |
25-10 | [Hana Vucinic] Attack error by Brantlie Price (block by Emily Osborne; Sophie Dorris). Point MOBILE | |
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MOBILE | -- 3rd -- | SPARTANB |
On court for MOBILE: Emily Osborne; Dazsha Dean Middleto; Tatum Beech; Layton Adams; Kendel Lee Frazer; Lexi Gillette. | ||
On court for SPARTANB: Olivia Schoenstra; Rebekah Martin; Kendall Meinders; Makinnley Smart; Tristan Craine; Aurora Aho. | ||
1-0 | [Tristan Craine] Kill by Layton Adams (from Tatum Beech). Point MOBILE | |
MOBILE subs: Aspen Adams; Corrina Porch-Maxey. | ||
2-0 | [Aspen Adams] Kill by Dazsha Dean Middleto (from Tatum Beech). Point MOBILE | |
[Aspen Adams] Kill by Aurora Aho (from Tristan Craine). Point SPARTANB | 2-1 | |
SPARTANB subs: Brantlie Price. | ||
3-1 | [Aurora Aho] Kill by Corrina Porch-Maxey (from Aspen Adams). Point MOBILE | |
4-1 | [Jaci Drinnon] Kill by Layton Adams (from Tatum Beech). Point MOBILE | |
[Jaci Drinnon] Kill by Brantlie Price (from Tristan Craine). Point SPARTANB | 4-2 | |
[Hana Vucinic] Service ace (Corrina Porch-Maxey). Point SPARTANB | 4-3 | |
[Hana Vucinic] Attack error by Layton Adams. Point SPARTANB | 4-4 | |
5-4 | [Hana Vucinic] Service error. Point MOBILE | |
MOBILE subs: Emma Hampton. | ||
[Layton Adams] Attack error by Corrina Porch-Maxey. Point SPARTANB | 5-5 | |
SPARTANB subs: Brook Noe; Leilani Campbell. | ||
6-5 | [Brook Noe] Kill by Corrina Porch-Maxey (from Layton Adams). Point MOBILE | |
MOBILE subs: Kendel Lee Frazer; Lexi Gillette. | ||
[Lexi Gillette] Kill by Leilani Campbell (from Brook Noe). Point SPARTANB | 6-6 | |
SPARTANB subs: Olivia Schoenstra. | ||
7-6 | [Olivia Schoenstra] Service error. Point MOBILE | |
MOBILE subs: Gabby Sheffield. | ||
8-6 | [Gabby Sheffield] Kill by Kendel Lee Frazer (from Layton Adams). Point MOBILE | |
9-6 | [Gabby Sheffield] Kill by Kendel Lee Frazer (from Layton Adams). Point MOBILE | |
[Gabby Sheffield] Kill by Aurora Aho (from Brook Noe). Point SPARTANB | 9-7 | |
10-7 | [Kendall Meinders] Kill by Kendel Lee Frazer (from Layton Adams). Point MOBILE | |
MOBILE subs: Tatum Beech. | ||
[Tatum Beech] Kill by Leilani Campbell (from Brook Noe). Point SPARTANB | 10-8 | |
SPARTANB subs: Makinnley Smart; Tristan Craine. | ||
11-8 | [Tristan Craine] Service error. Point MOBILE | |
MOBILE subs: Aspen Adams; Corrina Porch-Maxey. | ||
12-8 | [Aspen Adams] Kill by Dazsha Dean Middleto (from Tatum Beech). Point MOBILE | |
[Aspen Adams] Kill by Aurora Aho (from Tristan Craine). Point SPARTANB | 12-9 | |
SPARTANB subs: Brantlie Price. | ||
13-9 | [Aurora Aho] Kill by Layton Adams (from Tatum Beech). Point MOBILE | |
14-9 | [Jaci Drinnon] Service ace (Aurora Aho). Point MOBILE | |
15-9 | [Jaci Drinnon] Kill by Corrina Porch-Maxey (from Tatum Beech). Point MOBILE | |
16-9 | [Jaci Drinnon] Kill by Corrina Porch-Maxey (from Jaci Drinnon). Point MOBILE | |
[Jaci Drinnon] Kill by Rebekah Martin (from Tristan Craine). Point SPARTANB | 16-10 | |
17-10 | [Hana Vucinic] Kill by Layton Adams (from Tatum Beech). Point MOBILE | |
MOBILE subs: Isabella Lombardo; Emma Hampton. | ||
[Layton Adams] Kill by Brantlie Price (from Katherine James). Point SPARTANB | 17-11 | |
SPARTANB subs: Brook Noe; Leilani Campbell. | ||
18-11 | [Brook Noe] Kill by Corrina Porch-Maxey (from Layton Adams). Point MOBILE | |
MOBILE subs: Kendel Lee Frazer; Lexi Gillette. | ||
19-11 | [Lexi Gillette] Bad set by Katherine James. Point MOBILE | |
20-11 | [Lexi Gillette] Kill by Kendel Lee Frazer (from Layton Adams). Point MOBILE | |
SPARTANB subs: Arielle Deas. | ||
[Lexi Gillette] Kill by Kendall Meinders (from Brook Noe). Point SPARTANB | 20-12 | |
MOBILE subs: Emma Todd; Taliyah Kirby. | ||
21-12 | [Olivia Schoenstra] Kill by Taliyah Kirby (from Layton Adams). Point MOBILE | |
MOBILE subs: Gabby Sheffield. | ||
22-12 | [Gabby Sheffield] Attack error by Kendall Meinders. Point MOBILE | |
[Gabby Sheffield] Service error. Point SPARTANB | 22-13 | |
[Kendall Meinders] Attack error by Emma McPherson. Point SPARTANB | 22-14 | |
23-14 | [Kendall Meinders] Kill by Taliyah Kirby (from Emma McPherson). Point MOBILE | |
MOBILE subs: Taliyah Kirby. | ||
24-14 | [Tatum Beech] Attack error by Leilani Campbell (block by Peyton Frazer; Dazsha Dean Middleto). Point MOBILE | |
[Tatum Beech] Service error. Point SPARTANB | 24-15 | |
[Tristan Craine] Attack error by Peyton Frazer. Point SPARTANB | 24-16 | |
25-16 | [Tristan Craine] Kill by Peyton Frazer (from Tatum Beech). Point MOBILE | |
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