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Official Volleyball Box Score

Graceland vs. St. Ambrose

8/20/2022 at 1:00 PM
@ Keeter Gym
Final 1 2 3 4 Score
Graceland (0-2) 20 16 25 16 1
St. Ambrose (2-0) 25 25 23 25 3
Set: 1st  |  2nd  |  3rd  |  4th
  GRACELAN starters: Brenna Crabtree; Kaylee Baker; Marlis Aviles; Megan Janok; Rakenzy Pryor; Addison Demesko.  
  ST. AMBR starters: Riley Epperson; Meredith Umland; Mackenzie Grafton; Neenah Primas; Jill Kavalauskas; Alexandria Horne.  
  ST. AMBR subs: Lexi Huntley.  
  GRACELAN subs: Mary Kelly.  
1-0 [Neenah Primas] Service error. Point GRACELAN
[Megan Janok] Service error. Point ST. AMBR 1-1
[Jill Kavalauskas] Attack error by Allison Long. Point ST. AMBR 1-2
2-2 [Jill Kavalauskas] Service error. Point GRACELAN
  GRACELAN subs: Izzi Smith; Arissa Carpenter.  
3-2 [Izzi Smith] Service ace (Riley Epperson). Point GRACELAN
[Izzi Smith] Kill by Mackenzie Grafton (from Neenah Primas). Point ST. AMBR 3-3
4-3 [Lexi Huntley] Kill by Allison Long (from Megan Janok). Point GRACELAN
5-3 [Mary Kelly] Attack error by Mackenzie Grafton (block by Arissa Carpenter; Rakenzy Pryor). Point GRACELAN
[Mary Kelly] Attack error by Allison Long. Point ST. AMBR 5-4
  ST. AMBR subs: Hannah Sondag.  
6-4 [Mackenzie Grafton] Service error. Point GRACELAN
7-4 [Addison Demesko] Kill by Arissa Carpenter (from Megan Janok). Point GRACELAN
[Addison Demesko] Kill by Mackenzie Grafton (from Hannah Sondag). Point ST. AMBR 7-5
8-5 [Riley Epperson] Service error. Point GRACELAN
  GRACELAN subs: Brenna Crabtree; Addison Demesko.  
9-5 [Marlis Aviles] Bad set by Hannah Sondag. Point GRACELAN
[Marlis Aviles] Kill by Jill Kavalauskas (from Hannah Sondag). Point ST. AMBR 9-6
  ST. AMBR subs: Meredith Umland; Skyler Kuntzman.  
[Skyler Kuntzman] Attack error by Megan Janok. Point ST. AMBR 9-7
10-7 [Skyler Kuntzman] Service error. Point GRACELAN
11-7 [Rakenzy Pryor] Attack error by Mackenzie Grafton. Point GRACELAN
[Rakenzy Pryor] Kill by Meredith Umland (from Hannah Sondag). Point ST. AMBR 11-8
  GRACELAN subs: Mary Kelly.  
  ST. AMBR subs: Neenah Primas.  
12-8 [Neenah Primas] Kill by Kaylee Baker (from Addison Demesko). Point GRACELAN
  GRACELAN subs: Allison Long.  
[Megan Janok] Kill by Mackenzie Grafton (from Hannah Sondag). Point ST. AMBR 12-9
13-9 [Jill Kavalauskas] Kill by Kaylee Baker (from Megan Janok). Point GRACELAN
  GRACELAN subs: Izzi Smith; Arissa Carpenter.  
14-9 [Izzi Smith] Attack error by Meredith Umland. Point GRACELAN
[Izzi Smith] Kill by Mackenzie Grafton (from Neenah Primas). Point ST. AMBR 14-10
  ST. AMBR subs: Meredith Umland.  
[Lexi Huntley] Attack error by Arissa Carpenter (block by Alexandria Horne; Mackenzie Grafton). Point ST. AMBR 14-11
[Lexi Huntley] Kill by Alexandria Horne (from Neenah Primas). Point ST. AMBR 14-12
[Lexi Huntley] Service ace (Mary Kelly). Point ST. AMBR 14-13
[Lexi Huntley] Service ace (Mary Kelly). Point ST. AMBR 14-14
[Lexi Huntley] Service ace (Team). Point ST. AMBR 14-15
[Lexi Huntley] Service ace (Team). Point ST. AMBR 14-16
[Lexi Huntley] Attack error by Arissa Carpenter (block by Alexandria Horne; Mackenzie Grafton). Point ST. AMBR 14-17
15-17 [Lexi Huntley] Service error. Point GRACELAN
  GRACELAN subs: Rakenzy Pryor.  
16-17 [Mary Kelly] Kill by Megan Janok (from Arissa Carpenter). Point GRACELAN
17-17 [Mary Kelly] Attack error by Jill Kavalauskas. Point GRACELAN
[Mary Kelly] Service error. Point ST. AMBR 17-18
18-18 [Mackenzie Grafton] Bad set by Hannah Sondag. Point GRACELAN
19-18 [Addison Demesko] Kill by Arissa Carpenter (from Addison Demesko). Point GRACELAN
[Addison Demesko] Kill by Mackenzie Grafton (from Hannah Sondag). Point ST. AMBR 19-19
[Riley Epperson] Kill by Jill Kavalauskas (from Hannah Sondag). Point ST. AMBR 19-20
[Riley Epperson] Attack error by Arissa Carpenter (block by Jill Kavalauskas; Alexandria Horne). Point ST. AMBR 19-21
[Riley Epperson] Kill by Jill Kavalauskas (from Mackenzie Grafton). Point ST. AMBR 19-22
[Riley Epperson] Attack error by Rakenzy Pryor. Point ST. AMBR 19-23
  Timeout Graceland.  
20-23 [Riley Epperson] Kill by Megan Janok (from Addison Demesko). Point GRACELAN
  GRACELAN subs: Brenna Crabtree; Marlis Aviles.  
[Marlis Aviles] Kill by Alexandria Horne (from Hannah Sondag). Point ST. AMBR 20-24
  ST. AMBR subs: Meredith Umland; Skyler Kuntzman.  
[Skyler Kuntzman] Attack error by Mary Kelly. Point ST. AMBR 20-25
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1-0 [Megan Janok] Attack error by Meredith Umland. Point GRACELAN
[Megan Janok] Service error. Point ST. AMBR 1-1
2-1 [Jill Kavalauskas] Attack error by Jill Kavalauskas. Point GRACELAN
  GRACELAN subs: Mary Kelly.  
3-1 [Mary Kelly] Bad set by Neenah Primas. Point GRACELAN
[Mary Kelly] Kill by Neenah Primas (from Jill Kavalauskas). Point ST. AMBR 3-2
[Lexi Huntley] Kill by Mackenzie Grafton (from Neenah Primas). Point ST. AMBR 3-3
4-3 [Lexi Huntley] Attack error by Mackenzie Grafton (block by Kaylee Baker; Rakenzy Pryor). Point GRACELAN
5-3 [Izzi Smith] Kill by Arissa Carpenter (from Megan Janok). Point GRACELAN
[Izzi Smith] Kill by Emily Pobanz (from Neenah Primas). Point ST. AMBR 5-4
  ST. AMBR subs: Riley Epperson; Hannah Sondag.  
[Riley Epperson] Kill by Mackenzie Grafton (from Hannah Sondag). Point ST. AMBR 5-5
[Riley Epperson] Kill by Mackenzie Grafton (from Hannah Sondag). Point ST. AMBR 5-6
6-6 [Riley Epperson] Service error. Point GRACELAN
[Addison Demesko] Kill by Mackenzie Grafton (from Hannah Sondag). Point ST. AMBR 6-7
[Mackenzie Grafton] Attack error by Arissa Carpenter. Point ST. AMBR 6-8
[Mackenzie Grafton] Service ace (Arissa Carpenter). Point ST. AMBR 6-9
7-9 [Mackenzie Grafton] Kill by Allison Long (from Addison Demesko). Point GRACELAN
[Arissa Carpenter] Service error. Point ST. AMBR 7-10
[Isabelle Todd] Attack error by Allison Long. Point ST. AMBR 7-11
8-11 [Isabelle Todd] Kill by Arissa Carpenter (from Izzi Smith). Point GRACELAN
[Allison Long] Kill by Jill Kavalauskas (from Hannah Sondag). Point ST. AMBR 8-12
  ST. AMBR subs: Neenah Primas.  
[Neenah Primas] Kill by Emily Pobanz (from Neenah Primas). Point ST. AMBR 8-13
[Neenah Primas] Bad set by Addison Demesko. Point ST. AMBR 8-14
[Neenah Primas] Service ace (Brenna Crabtree). Point ST. AMBR 8-15
9-15 [Neenah Primas] Attack error by Jill Kavalauskas. Point GRACELAN
  GRACELAN subs: Rakenzy Pryor.  
[Megan Janok] Kill by Jill Kavalauskas (from Lexi Huntley). Point ST. AMBR 9-16
[Riley Epperson] Attack error by Kaylee Baker. Point ST. AMBR 9-17
10-17 [Jill Kavalauskas] Kill by Kaylee Baker (from Arissa Carpenter). Point GRACELAN
[Mary Kelly] Kill by Jill Kavalauskas (from Neenah Primas). Point ST. AMBR 10-18
[Lexi Huntley] Service ace (Mary Kelly). Point ST. AMBR 10-19
11-19 [Lexi Huntley] Kill by Arissa Carpenter (from Rakenzy Pryor). Point GRACELAN
12-19 [Izzi Smith] Attack error by Emily Pobanz. Point GRACELAN
[Izzi Smith] Kill by Emily Pobanz (from Neenah Primas). Point ST. AMBR 12-20
  ST. AMBR subs: Macy Watkins; Kylie Brosius.  
[Macy Watkins] Kill by Mackenzie Grafton. Point ST. AMBR 12-21
13-21 [Macy Watkins] Service error. Point GRACELAN
  Timeout Graceland.  
14-21 [Addison Demesko] Kill by Megan Janok (from Addison Demesko). Point GRACELAN
[Addison Demesko] Kill by Mackenzie Grafton (from Macy Watkins). Point ST. AMBR 14-22
[Mackenzie Grafton] Service ace (Team). Point ST. AMBR 14-23
15-23 [Mackenzie Grafton] Kill by Allison Long (from Addison Demesko). Point GRACELAN
16-23 [Arissa Carpenter] Kill by Allison Long. Point GRACELAN
[Arissa Carpenter] Attack error by Brenna Crabtree. Point ST. AMBR 16-24
  ST. AMBR subs: Meredith Umland; Isabelle Todd.  
[Isabelle Todd] Attack error by Brenna Crabtree. Point ST. AMBR 16-25
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1-0 [Neenah Primas] Kill by Brenna Crabtree (from Megan Janok). Point GRACELAN
[Mary Kelly] Attack error by Arissa Carpenter. Point ST. AMBR 1-1
2-1 [Riley Epperson] Kill by Kaylee Baker (from Megan Janok). Point GRACELAN
[Marlis Aviles] Kill by Jill Kavalauskas (from Lexi Huntley). Point ST. AMBR 2-2
3-2 [Marlis Aviles] Service ace (Grace Beitzel). Point GRACELAN
4-2 [Marlis Aviles] Service ace (Grace Beitzel). Point GRACELAN
5-2 [Marlis Aviles] Kill by Arissa Carpenter (from Megan Janok). Point GRACELAN
6-2 [Marlis Aviles] Service ace (Riley Epperson). Point GRACELAN
[Marlis Aviles] Kill by Alexandria Horne (from Neenah Primas). Point ST. AMBR 6-3
[Lexi Huntley] Attack error by Kaylee Baker. Point ST. AMBR 6-4
7-4 [Lexi Huntley] Kill by Arissa Carpenter (from Megan Janok). Point GRACELAN
8-4 [Addison Demesko] Kill by Arissa Carpenter (from Addison Demesko). Point GRACELAN
9-4 [Addison Demesko] Service ace (Team). Point GRACELAN
[Addison Demesko] Service error. Point ST. AMBR 9-5
[Skyler Kuntzman] Attack error by Rakenzy Pryor. Point ST. AMBR 9-6
10-6 [Skyler Kuntzman] Kill by Arissa Carpenter (from Addison Demesko). Point GRACELAN
[Izzi Smith] Attack error by Megan Janok. Point ST. AMBR 10-7
[Isabelle Todd] Kill by Jill Kavalauskas (from Hannah Sondag). Point ST. AMBR 10-8
[Alexandria Horne] Service ace (Team). Point ST. AMBR 10-9
11-9 [Alexandria Horne] Attack error by 3. Point GRACELAN
[Alexandria Horne] Attack error by Brenna Crabtree. Point ST. AMBR 11-10
12-10 [Alexandria Horne] Attack error by Alexandria Horne. Point GRACELAN
[Megan Janok] Kill by Hannah Sondag (from Emily Pobanz). Point ST. AMBR 12-11
13-11 [Neenah Primas] Service error. Point GRACELAN
[Mary Kelly] Kill by Meredith Umland (from Neenah Primas). Point ST. AMBR 13-12
14-12 [Riley Epperson] Bad set by Meredith Umland. Point GRACELAN
15-12 [Marlis Aviles] Service ace (Grace Beitzel). Point GRACELAN
[Marlis Aviles] Kill by Devyn Church (from Riley Epperson). Point ST. AMBR 15-13
[Lexi Huntley] Service ace (Team). Point ST. AMBR 15-14
[Lexi Huntley] Service ace (Team). Point ST. AMBR 15-15
[Lexi Huntley] Service ace (Team). Point ST. AMBR 15-16
16-16 [Lexi Huntley] Service error. Point GRACELAN
[Addison Demesko] Kill by Alexandria Horne (from Neenah Primas). Point ST. AMBR 16-17
[Skyler Kuntzman] Service ace (Marlis Aviles). Point ST. AMBR 16-18
[Skyler Kuntzman] Attack error by Arissa Carpenter. Point ST. AMBR 16-19
17-19 [Skyler Kuntzman] Attack error by Devyn Church. Point GRACELAN
18-19 [Izzi Smith] Bad set by Devyn Church. Point GRACELAN
19-19 [Izzi Smith] Bad set by Hannah Sondag. Point GRACELAN
20-19 [Izzi Smith] Attack error by Alexandria Horne. Point GRACELAN
21-19 [Izzi Smith] Service ace (Skyler Kuntzman). Point GRACELAN
[Izzi Smith] Kill by Skyler Kuntzman. Point ST. AMBR 21-20
[Rakenzy Pryor] Kill by Alexandria Horne (from Hannah Sondag). Point ST. AMBR 21-21
22-21 [Isabelle Todd] Kill by Rakenzy Pryor (from Addison Demesko). Point GRACELAN
23-21 [Isabelle Todd] Service error. Point GRACELAN
[Megan Janok] Service error. Point ST. AMBR 23-22
[Neenah Primas] Kill by Meredith Umland (from Neenah Primas). Point ST. AMBR 23-23
24-23 [Neenah Primas] Kill by Kaylee Baker (from Megan Janok). Point GRACELAN
25-23 [Mary Kelly] Attack error by Riley Epperson. Point GRACELAN
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[Megan Janok] Kill by Emily Pobanz (from Neenah Primas). Point ST. AMBR 0-1
[Mackenzie Grafton] Kill by Jill Kavalauskas (from Neenah Primas). Point ST. AMBR 0-2
[Mackenzie Grafton] Kill by Jill Kavalauskas. Point ST. AMBR 0-3
[Mackenzie Grafton] Service ace (Team). Point ST. AMBR 0-4
1-4 [Mackenzie Grafton] Kill by Kaylee Baker (from Megan Janok). Point GRACELAN
[Izzi Smith] Kill by Emily Pobanz (from Neenah Primas). Point ST. AMBR 1-5
[Lexi Huntley] Attack error by Arissa Carpenter. Point ST. AMBR 1-6
[Lexi Huntley] Kill by Alexandria Horne (from Neenah Primas). Point ST. AMBR 1-7
[Lexi Huntley] Service ace (Izzi Smith). Point ST. AMBR 1-8
2-8 [Lexi Huntley] Kill by Arissa Carpenter (from Megan Janok). Point GRACELAN
[Mary Kelly] Service error. Point ST. AMBR 2-9
[Hannah Sondag] Attack error by Rakenzy Pryor (block by Alexandria Horne). Point ST. AMBR 2-10
3-10 [Hannah Sondag] Service error. Point GRACELAN
4-10 [Addison Demesko] Service ace (Lexi Huntley). Point GRACELAN
5-10 [Addison Demesko] Attack error by Alexandria Horne (block by Rakenzy Pryor). Point GRACELAN
[Addison Demesko] Kill by Jill Kavalauskas (from Hannah Sondag). Point ST. AMBR 5-11
6-11 [Jill Kavalauskas] Kill by Rakenzy Pryor (from Addison Demesko). Point GRACELAN
[Arissa Carpenter] Service error. Point ST. AMBR 6-12
7-12 [Isabelle Todd] Service error. Point GRACELAN
8-12 [Marlis Aviles] Attack error by Jill Kavalauskas. Point GRACELAN
9-12 [Marlis Aviles] Service ace (Team). Point GRACELAN
[Marlis Aviles] Kill by Mackenzie Grafton (from Hannah Sondag). Point ST. AMBR 9-13
10-13 [Neenah Primas] Kill by Megan Janok (from Addison Demesko). Point GRACELAN
[Megan Janok] Attack error by Allison Long. Point ST. AMBR 10-14
[Mackenzie Grafton] Attack error by Kaylee Baker (block by Emily Pobanz; Meredith Umland). Point ST. AMBR 10-15
11-15 [Mackenzie Grafton] Service error. Point GRACELAN
[Izzi Smith] Kill by Jill Kavalauskas (from Neenah Primas). Point ST. AMBR 11-16
[Lexi Huntley] Attack error by Arissa Carpenter. Point ST. AMBR 11-17
12-17 [Lexi Huntley] Kill by Kaylee Baker (from Megan Janok). Point GRACELAN
13-17 [Mary Kelly] Bad set by Neenah Primas. Point GRACELAN
[Mary Kelly] Kill by Jill Kavalauskas (from Neenah Primas). Point ST. AMBR 13-18
[Hannah Sondag] Kill by Jill Kavalauskas (from Hannah Sondag). Point ST. AMBR 13-19
[Hannah Sondag] Kill by Jill Kavalauskas (from Mackenzie Grafton). Point ST. AMBR 13-20
[Hannah Sondag] Attack error by Allison Long. Point ST. AMBR 13-21
[Hannah Sondag] Service ace (Izzi Smith). Point ST. AMBR 13-22
  Timeout Graceland.  
[Hannah Sondag] Attack error by Arissa Carpenter. Point ST. AMBR 13-23
14-23 [Hannah Sondag] Service error. Point GRACELAN
[Addison Demesko] Service error. Point ST. AMBR 14-24
15-24 [Jill Kavalauskas] Attack error by Alexandria Horne. Point GRACELAN
16-24 [Arissa Carpenter] Attack error by Alexandria Horne. Point GRACELAN
[Arissa Carpenter] Kill by Alexandria Horne (from Mackenzie Grafton). Point ST. AMBR 16-25
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